Meet the Author

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Hello! My name's Hailey

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Hello! My name's Hailey.

I started writing this book waaaayyyyyy back in February of 2016 and to be quite honest, I've written it in spurts. I really wanted this book to be a little safe space of mine where I hoped I could inspire and help other girls.

I live in Florida in the good ol' U.S. of A. and I'm just trying to live my best life haha. I would love to be an author when I'm older, but right now my plan is to practice writing until I can't feel my fingers.

I love listening to music, my favorite band being the Arctic Monkeys, but I'm also a huge fan of 50's singers like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. I'm also a huge fan of anything Marvel, in fact... I've written a ton of one-shots that are also up on my Wattpad. Look at that shameless self-promo.

Well, now I'm 21 and in college, and while I'm not wanting to grow up too fast, this book has kind of been shoved off to the side. Sad to say, but true. Who knows, I might get a sudden burst of creativity now that Summer's here.

But for now, I'll let you guys enjoy the book. Hopefully it helps.

Much love,

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