Choosing the Right Lipstick

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I loooove wearing lipstick

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I loooove wearing lipstick. As of right now I usually wear a bold red or a nude lipstick. Although when I was first starting I wanted to make sure I got something that would compliment my skin. Hopefully this helps if you're ever wondering about the "right" shade for you!

~Identify Your Undertone~
Take a look at the veins on your wrist, if you've go more of a blue color, and you also tend to gravitate to wear more blues, whites, or grays, you've got a pink undertone. If it's more of a green color, you've got a yellow undertone. Now, if you tend to have an even balance, you've got the neutral skin tone, and can wear almost any color.

Are you still not sure? If you put up a piece of gold jewelry and another piece of silver jewelry up to your face and look in the mirror, identify which looks better with your skin (ignore your personal preference.) If silver looks best, you've got a pink undertone, and if gold looks best you've got the yellow undertone.

~Don't Choose Shimmer Lipsticks~
Shimmer can make your lipstick look cheap, and any girl knows that she does not want to be giving off that vibe. Stick to matte lipsticks, the shine on your lips should come for the moisturizer in your lipstick, not the metallic pigments.

~Nude Lipstick Looks Great~
Usually the best nude lip color is when it's a tad bit brighter or deeper than your skin tone. If you have olive or yellow undertones or dark skin, sandy beiges might be the best look. If you're a bit paler, something with a hint of pink could potentially be perfect.

~The Right Bright~
The right type of bright lipstick shouldn't necessarily be based on your skin tone, it should be based on your lips' natural color. If you have pale lips, cherry red or coral could be a great look. If you have naturally reddish lips, hot pink, orange, or cranberry are wise suggestions. For dark lips (A/N you girls pull off bright lipsticks so well, I love you guys) you could try brick red or burgundy.

~Be Yourself~
Screw the rules!! Do what you want to do!

Question of the Chapter:
Do you like to wear heels?

My Answer:
I actually love wearing heels, it really just has to be the right pair. Like idk I just get really confident in them :)

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