The Benefits of Listening to Music

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I don't know about you guys, but I really love to listen to music, especially when I'm doing chores or homework

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I don't know about you guys, but I really love to listen to music, especially when I'm doing chores or homework. And as it turns out, listening to music actually has quite a few benefits, so I've saved you the trouble of looking them up yourselves.

~Music Makes You Happier~
According to scientists, when you listen to music you like, your brain releases dopamine, a "feel-good" neurotransmitter. So the next time you need an emotional boost, listen to your favorite music for at least 15 minutes!

~Music Enhances Running Performance~
A scientist and a few of his colleagues found out that runners who listened to motivational music while they ran finished their run faster than those who did not listen to music.

~Music Lowers Stress and Improves Health~
When you listen to music you enjoy, it'll help counteract the effects of chronic stress, which is important because stress cause 60% of all our illness and disease.

~Music Helps You Sleep Better~
If you're having trouble sleeping, you're in luck! A recent study showed that those who listened to classical music for 45 minutes before heading to bed slept significantly better than those who did not.

~Music Reduces Depression~
Studies by scientists have shown that music can help benefit those with depressive symptoms, especially meditative or classical music, while techno and heavy metal brought people down even more.

~Music Elevates Your Mood While Driving~
Listening to music can positively impact your mood while driving, which can lead to safer behavior. It could help you drive more safely and help ease frustrations while driving in traffic. I found that listening to music when I first started driving eased my anxiety, so I'm sure it could help you guys too!

~Music Helps Improve Learning and Memory Performance~
Researchers have discovered that musicians learn better when listening to neutral music but tested better with music they liked playing. Non-musicians learned better when the music then enjoy was playing but tested better when neutral music was playing.

~Music Keeps You Sharp When You're Older~
Studies have shown that playing music in your old age has kept minds sharp and helps compensate for cognitive declines that happen as we grow older.

Question of the Chapter:
Do you play an instrument? More than one instrument? For how long?

My Answer:
I played the harp in third grade, but had to discontinue when I moved to a new school. I played the guitar for a year and a half. I've played the piano for a year and a half, but just recently stopped taking lessons.

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