Beach Bag Must-Haves

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s u m m e r  a e s t h e t i c

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s u m m e r  a e s t h e t i c

Summer is here, and living in Florida definitely has its perks, the beach is so close! I've tried to put together a list of things that you don't want to forget to put in your beach bag, so let's get to it!

~ Sunscreen

~ A good book

~ Sunglasses

~ Earbuds or a radio

~ Water bottle

~ Beach towel

~ Snacks

~ Your phone

~ A floppy hat, baseball cap, headband, or hair ties

~ Chapstick that has SPF

~ Smaller pouch (this would be for your phone, money, or chapstick because sand can ruin literally anything)

~ Perfume or body mist for after the beach, because you always end up smelling like suntan lotion and saltwater

~ A comb or brush

~ Flip-flops or sandals, although I personally prefer flip-flops

~ Some people like to bring hand or body lotion because your skin dries out really fast, but I've never felt the need to bring it (whatever you wanna do)

Question of the Chapter:
Do you live near the beach?

My Answer:
I live about an hour away, so I guess I kind of do.

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