Studying Tips

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Hey! So we're all jumping back into the school year, so I figured that some studying tips would be in order

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Hey! So we're all jumping back into the school year, so I figured that some studying tips would be in order. I hope that these can help y'all out a little bit!

Also, I'm sorry for not updating this past week. I have no excuse for it so... let's just get on into the chapter!

~Take Notes~
If you're going to study, you're going to need something to study other than the textbook. It doesn't matter if they're notes that you took in class or if they're notes that you've taken on your spare time out of your textbook. As long as it's important information that hits all the main points or stuff that's easily forgotten.

EXTRA TIP: When you're taking notes in class, listen to your teacher while you're doing so, don't just zone them out and write down what's on the board because you'll have no idea what it means.

I don't know if it's just me, but I find it so much easier to study when I have things color coded with my highlighters. Whether it's vocab or the main topic, it really helps me.

So this is kind of self explanatory, it's mainly used for vocabluary terms and places. But if it helps, have a friend, sibling, or parent quiz you on the terms.

Plus, make two piles while you're doing this, a pile that you got right and a pile of ones that you got wrong. When all the terms are sorted into the piles pick up the wrong pile and go through that one until you have no terms left.

~Listen to Music~
Ok, so I know that this doesn't help everyone, but I find that it really helps me so I decided to include it. Some songs aren't the greatest to listen to while you study, so if you think that your music will distract you too much I know that there's a Spotify playlist for studying.

~Practice Problems~
Gross, I know. But honestly, sometimes I have to resort to doing it in Algebra II. It sucks but it actually really helps.

~Make Sure You're Sleeping Enough~
I know that this is so basic, but guys, if you're not getting eight hours of sleep, you'll more than likely do worse than you would've done if you had gotten enough.

~Take Breaks~
Every thirty minutes it's best to take a 5 minute break to stretch your muscles and shift positions. But don't let yourself get distracted on your break!

~Turn Off Your Phone~
I know, I know. This is probably the hardest one, but it'll help in the long run. That way a text or any social media is distracting you.

Question of the Chapter:
What extracurriculars are you involved in?

My Answer:
National Art Honors Society (NAHS)

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