16 Things I Learned in 2016

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So the beginning of the new year is generally a time for reflection of the year that has passed, so I guess here's a quick little post about what I learned in 2016.

1. You're not going to be everyone's best friend. You're not going to be everybody's go-to friend. In fact, you'll probably be really good friends with someone in one class, and not speak to them in the next. And that's perfectly alright. You'll have one or two really good friends and they'll stick by your side when you need it most.

2. It's alright to be mediocre at stuff. I'm an ok piano player. I can draw from life really well but can't draw from my imagination worth anything. I'm an alright author. As long as you have fun doing it and you're not hurting anyone else, it's not a waste of time.

3. You're going to make friends and lose friends, especially in high school. High school is when everyone has got these raging hormones that makes them think that the world revolves around them. It's weird. But it's a phase and it'll pass (hopefully.) So fights between friends are bound to happen, some are little fights, some are the end of the friendship. But you'll make it through the loss of friends nonetheless.

4. You shouldn't be afraid to go to a friend if you're upset and need to let it all out. If they're a true friend they'll help you through it and probably feel a small sense of pride that you went to them for help. If they're not mature enough to help you out when you really need it, that's not the type of person you want to be friends with.

5. There are some people in this world that highly romanticize things. It's really annoying. And you can kind of tell when they're romanticizing something when they're always on the subject, but not doing anything to help it.

6. I really suck at any type of science but I apparently do really well in math.

7. In order to make good friends and enjoy people's company, you first have to be comfortable with yourself.

8. I need to stop telling myself that I'll do it later, because the perfect opportunity to do it is now.

9. If you wanna do something but are too scared to try it, while you have the little thought in your head, do it! That way you can't back out of it, and who knows, you might really like it. And if you didn't like it, at least now you know.

10. Stop thinking about what other people think of you, chances are, they're not even thinking of you like that. It's all a mind trick.

11. I need to toughen up, I'm really freakin sensitive.

12. Some people just won't like you, and that's alright, that's not your fault.

13. That it's dumb that people nowadays are scared to admit when they're wrong or need to apologize. Like, I apologize all the time. And the admitting when you're wrong type of thing? Just admit it. You learned from your mistake and I didn't care that you were wrong so let's get over it.

14. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to make people happy, they'll say you're not trying hard enough. And you're not the one in the wrong. They are. Try not to make friends with these people, because your goal in life should not be to make this one person happy.

15. Your happiness should not depend on other people.

16. I need to get out more. Out of the house. I need to go to the beach. I need to live in my town as though I were vacationing in it. Generally when people go somewhere to visit, they try to find the fun things to do there. I need to go to galleries and hole in the wall restaurants. I need to live life to the fullest.

Question of the Chapter:
What did you learn in 2016?

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