Recognizing a Bad Friend

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Unfortunately I've had to deal with quite a few of these, and some of the things involved in this chapter are very important for you to try to recognize. If you don't feel like the friendship you're in is going both ways, and you're putting all of the effort into it, you're more than likely in a bad relationship.

~They Talk About Themselves Too Much~
If you feel like you never get any time to talk about your life or things going on in it, you might be able to spot a bad friend. Especially if when you do talk about the things in your life and they switch the topic back to what they want to talk about. Now this isn't a one time thing for it to be bad, because everyone does it, but if it gets repetitive, then you need to take a step back and look at your friendship.

~You Feel Used~
If you feel used, there's definitely something wrong with that friendship. If they only time they text you is to ask for help on homework or to ask for pictures of the homework, there's an issue. If they want to be invited to a birthday party, there's an issue. If they want to get close to someone who's close to you by being your friend, there's an issue. See the signs?

~They Make You Feel Bad About Yourself~
Shouldn't this in itself be the thing that ends your friendship with this person? This is not a friendship if they make you feel like you're doing something wrong or discouraging you from doing something that you really want to do... friendships aren't supposed to be like that.

~If You're Using the Excuse 'But We've Been Friends Forever' to Keep the Friendship Alive~
This is a for sure sign that something is wrong with the friendship you're in. I know that there are so many people out there that you used to hang out with all the time, but people change, and using that excuse isn't going to bring back the person they used to be.

~You Feel like You're Competing for Their Attention~
This type of friendship is completely one-sided, you're putting forth all of the effort into that friendship, and they might not even be noticing.

~They Make You Feel Worse about a Bad Situation~
This is when they're either indirectly or directly blaming you for a situation that happened, does it really need an explanation?

~Everything Needs to be Dropped if they Need You~
Work, school, and people always need to be put second if they need you at the moment, and if you don't they get mad at you and blame you for not helping them.

~You Feel Judged for the Things that Make You who You Are~
This is when you enjoy doing that sport, art, hobby, or style and they begin to harass you for liking it. Looking at it from a completely different perspective makes it sound really bad, doesn't it.

~They Trash Talk People Close to You~
Even if it's your parents, your annoying siblings, your romantic relationship, your other friends, or your furry friend and mean it. I mean, why are you friends with this person if all they do is get onto you about other people in your life?

~They Try to Change You~
Heck to the no. Tell them to back off, they have no right to try to change you into the "perfect friend." Find friends who respect you for who you are, that's when you'll feel loved in your friendship.

~Ignores You in a Group~
This one doesn't need to be explained.

~Tries to One-Up You~
If they're always trying to be better than you, and make you feel like you're not doing a good job then you should probably see if you enjoy being around this person if they're only going to be arrogant and only for themselves.

~Trust Your Gut~
If you feel as though you don't like this person without any of those reasons above, know that the friendship isn't going to last. I hope you guys trust yourself to know the best thing to do in your situation.

Question of the Chapter:
Do you like how often I post chapters?

My Answer:
I enjoy posting more, but I don't know if it's annoying you guys.

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