Zodiac Situations

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Ok, so I know that this is probably going to be one of my simpler chapters, but I honestly love everything surrounding the zodiac signs

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Ok, so I know that this is probably going to be one of my simpler chapters, but I honestly love everything surrounding the zodiac signs. I didn't make these up, and credit goes to their respective owners. (A/N: that's the Gemini constellation up above.)

~The Signs as the Squad~
Aries: the squad leader with questionable judgement

Taurus: the squad idiot

Gemini: the squad heart-throb

Cancer: the precious cinnamon roll

Leo: best part of the squad tbh

Virgo: the reason the squad still exists

Libra: no one knows how they got in the squad, yet no one wants them gone

Scorpio: the one who has dated everyone in the squad including themselves

Sagittarius: the reason the squad is dysfunctional

Capricorn: satan

Aquarius: the silent, brooding squad member

Pisces: was kicked out of the squad years ago

~The Signs as White Mom Names~
Aries: deborah

Taurus: susan

Gemini: carol

Cancer: helen

Leo: barbara

Virgo: margaret

Libra: peggy

Scorpio: jill

Sagittarius: debra

Capricorn: cindy

Aquarius: pamela / pam

Pisces: amanda

~The Signs as a Random Scenario~
Aries: watching a bird take a dump on your car

Taurus: the realization that you forgot to get a towel when you're in the shower

Gemini: slipping in the shower

Cancer: accidentally dropping food down your shirt

Leo: going into a room and forgetting why you went in

Virgo: forgetting where you're pencil is even though you just had it

Libra: not being able to reach an itchy spot on your back

Scorpio: accidentally letting go of a balloon

Sagittarius: finding a hair in your food

Capricorn: pouring a glass of milk and realizing it's sour

Aquarius: putting too much sunscreen on your hands and having to find other places to wipe it on to

Pisces: cracking your phone

~Reasons to be Friends with the Signs~
Aries: is the best company you can have

Taurus: gives the best gifts

Gemini: can be your partner in crime

Cancer: is always available to cuddle with you

Leo: makes you food

Virgo: takes you to the best restaurants in town

Libra: loves to talk... about anything

Scorpio: is always there for you. no matter what

Sagittarius: would do anything to see you smile

Capricorn: would drive you home when you're drunk

Aquarius: is a wonderful listener

Pisces: remembers your birthday

~Surprising Traits of the Signs~
Aries: caring

Taurus: focused

Gemini: emotional

Cancer: ambitious

Leo: insecure

Virgo: humorous

Libra: honest

Scorpio: kind

Sagittarius: faithful

Capricorn: procrastinator

Aquarius: passionate

Pisces: reliable

~The Signs as Snacks~
Aries: doritos

Taurus: powdered donuts

Gemini: pretzels

Cancer: potatoes

Leo: chocolate chip cookies

Virgo: granola bar

Libra: ramen

Scorpio: mac and cheese

Sagittarius: hot cheetos

Capricorn: gummy bears

Aquarius: fish sticks

Pisces: pocky

~The Signs Studying~
Aries: *throws textbooks across the room*

Taurus: procrastinates by eating

Gemini: doesn't

Cancer: cleans room instead

Leo: "screw this"

Virgo: wings it and gets 100%

Libra: starts as soon as they get home

Scorpio: *cries*

Sagittarius: whines but eventually gets it done

Capricorn: puts it off until ten minutes before

Aquarius: "I am 820% done with this class"

Pisces: *test starts* "what we had a test sINCE WHEN"

Question of the Chapter:
What's your zodiac sign?

My Answer:

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