Raising Confidence

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I struggled with confidence for a long time, but when I started high school I finally realized I needed to make a change

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I struggled with confidence for a long time, but when I started high school I finally realized I needed to make a change. I know many of you probably struggle with this currently, so let me try to help you change that!

~Evaluate Your Inner Circle~
This is when you need to take a step back and look to see if your friends or family are negative towards you or who you want to be, changing this inner circle is a key step into becoming a more confident person because you need positivity in your life, not negativity.

~Positive Thoughts~
If you start by thinking positive thoughts, you'll be more accepting of yourself, which in turn will lead to more confidence, a great cycle.

~It's Ok to Admit You're Wrong~
Part of having confidence is admitting your wrong, and the reason people stopped admitting they're wrong was because more people started saying,"Ha! I told you so!" So it's ok to admit your wrong, they might say that they told you, but it's all a part of life.

~Don't Compare Yourself to Others~
Comparing yourself to another person is the worst thing you can do, it damages your self esteem so quickly that you won't even realize it's happening.

~Embrace Your Flaws~
Look in the mirror, yes right now. If you can't look in the mirror look in your camera. Do you see that beautiful girl? Do you see acne on her face? Does that beautiful girl you're looking at notice acne on another girl's face? Has she yet realized that the other girl doesn't care about her acne because she herself has it? Everyone has flaws, and that girl isn't staring at your acne because it would be a hypocritical thing to do.

~Fake it Till You Make It~
This actually works, that's how I helped get my confidence back, maybe you should give it a try.

Question of the Chapter:
Dogs or cats?

My Answer:

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