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Hello! Sorry it's been a bit since I've updated, life has kind of taken over for a bit, exams and such

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Hello! Sorry it's been a bit since I've updated, life has kind of taken over for a bit, exams and such. Hopefully I'll get back in the swing of things soon, but I'm sad to say it might take a short amount of time. Until then, here's a request from DJKarinaStyles8 . I've never known anything about cheerleading, but I'm trying to help haha.

One thing that I do know about cheerleaders is that they're extremely flexible, nearing the flexibility of a gymnast. Make sure you stretch daily, which shouldn't be too hard. You can stretch while watching TV, listening to music, or simply dedicating a specific time of the day to stretch.

~Know What You Need to Practice~
It's quite hard to know what you need to work on, but if you set up a camera or have a friend record your practice, you'll most likely see what needs to be improved upon.

~Cheer While You Practice~
Okay, so I don't know about y'all, but I tend to sing a lot. Singing in the shower, singing while I'm dancing, singing all the time. And it is so hard to sing while you move, so the same goes with cheerleading, you're bound to become breathless while you move and shout, so build up your lungs!

~Tight, Sharp Movements~
Cheerleaders don't just flail their arms around, make sure your motions are tight, and that you snap them into place.

~Prepare for Public Performances~
Cheerleaders cheer. In front of everyone. Hopefully if you're wanting to be a cheerleader you're quite social, but if you're not, work on building your confidence before you head out in front of a crowd, you'll save yourself some pain.

~Avoid Risks~
I'm telling you to avoid risks because sooner or later you might be asked to do something you might not be comfortable with, and that's alright, you should always be willing to give things a try, but if there's a strong feeling in your gut saying no. Listen to your gut.

Never do something you feel is way past your level of experience if your gut says no. A good coach will be able to guide you through your training, not make you do unrealistic things that you'll have a very hard time doing.

~Don't Panic~
There will be cheerleading competitions where you might mess up, and that's alright! Everyone makes mistakes, as long as you keep going you'll make an impression on the judges!

Question of the Chapter:
If you could shop for free at one store, which store would it be?

My Answer:
Anthropology, ugh they are so expensive but I love them so much.

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