The Benefits of Water

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s u m m e r  a e s t h e t i c

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s u m m e r  a e s t h e t i c

I've been drinking so much water recently, it's no joke. Never in my life have I drank a lot of water, and that's because I've always drank iced sweet tea or root beer (not healthy, I know), but I've been drinking water like a fish. I've been reaping the benefits too :) My skin has cleared, I don't have headaches as much, and I'm not as thirsty all the time.

But here's the scientific benefits of drinking water!!

~ Regulates your body temperature

~ Removes waste/toxins

~ Helps convert food into energy

~ Keeps teeth healthy

~ Improves memory and concentration

~ Keeps your skin healthy and glowing

~ Boosts immune system

~ Suppresses overeating

~ Helps insomnia

~ Fights depression

~ Improves digestion

~ Improves kidney function

~ Reduces blemishes and acne (Ok so I need water apparently)

~ Prevents loss of calcium

~ Naturally moisturizes skin, giving it a healthy glow

~ Improves condition of nails

Question of the Chapter:
Do you think all water tastes the same or do you have preferences?

My Answer:
For the most part, water tastes the same, except for Dasani water, which I can't stand.

My Answer:For the most part, water tastes the same, except for Dasani water, which I can't stand

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