Making a YouTube Channel

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Hello! So I don't know if any of you have ever wanted to make a YouTube channel, but I'm going to be giving you guys a few tips in case you start to consider it

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Hello! So I don't know if any of you have ever wanted to make a YouTube channel, but I'm going to be giving you guys a few tips in case you start to consider it.

~Choosing a Channel Name~
I think this is one of the most important things to take great care in choosing. That's because your channel name will be what people identify you by, so if it's something that you could easily grow out of, it's best to choose something else.

~Pick a Good Icon~
Whether it's a picture of you or not, this is pretty important to your channel because it's another thing people will identify you by. If you decide to look up a picture on Google, try to make sure that it's high quality and will look good in small resolutions.

~YouTube Banner~
A YouTube banner is used to help decorate your channel page a bit, so if you have a good quality banner, people will be more likely to subscribe to your channel.

~Identify What Type of Videos You'll Make~
Are you a gamer, a reviewer, a vlogger, a beauty guru, or something completely different? What about a combination? It's best to know what type of videos you'll stick to, and if you have a hard time knowing what videos you want to make, try to revolve your videos around something you enjoy.

~Channel Trailer~
Now, this isn't necessary, but I think it's a great idea to have for new channels! My reasoning behind that is if people come to your channel, and you only have a few videos up (including the channel trailer) they can figure out what type of videos you're going to make.

~Edit Your Videos~
So I know that editing can be a bit of a chore, but if you really want a successful YouTube channel, you have to put work into it. Editing softwares can be a bit expensive, but I do know that iMovie is one a good quality, cheap one.

The type of editing you'll need to do are the small things that make a difference. That includes fixing the audio, the lighting, and if you're talking in your video, cutting out spots where you're thinking or pausing.

~Good Camera~
DISCLAIMER: Do not buy a good camera from the start! If having a YouTube channel doesn't work out for you then hundreds of dollars just went down the drain, so maybe wait six months to a year before you consider getting a good quality camera.

Until that moment though, if your parents have a decent camera, you could ask them to borrow it.

~Lighting is Important~
Making nice videos usually means perfect timing AKA the time of the day where natural light is best. Open the curtains and the blinds, you need natural light!

~Maintain Your Feed~
This is the most important tip I could include! If you don't have a scheduled / maintained feed you will not get subscribers. I'd say a weekly uploading schedule is probably best, it's not too much, and you could definitely add more if you're feeling up to it.

~Engage with Your Audience~
Reply to thoughtful comments and questions, delete spam, and just try to respond to the feedback people give you. It'll make a bond grow between you and your viewers.

Question of the Chapter:
Matching socks or socks that don't match?

My Answer:

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