How to: Vlogging

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Hello! If you've read my last chapter then this chapter also might be able to help you out

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Hello! If you've read my last chapter then this chapter also might be able to help you out. One of my favorite things to watch on YouTube are vlogs, so maybe I can give a few tips...?

~Figure Out Your Style~
I've seen vlogs done a few different ways. One of those ways is more of an aesthetically pleasing vlog where there's nice music and no talking. This style is usually very relaxed and laid-back. A good example of this vlog style is Marzia's vlog '1 Day in Camber Sands.'

The other style is the most common, where you'd talk to the camera through your day. A good example of this style would be AlishaMarieVlogs (any of those videos are good examples.) Of course, you could always do both styles!

I know I talked about this int he last chapter, but make sure you have quite a bit of natural light, as it's the best for videos.

~Vlog Titles are Important~
Make sure they're catchy or interesting, and please try not to use clickbait.

~Film like You're Talking to a Friend~
Remember that the audience is ore comfortable when you're comfortable, so if you pretend like the camera is a friend, you'll find it easier to film.

~Engage with Your Audience~
Reply to thoughtful comments and questions, delete spam, and just try to respond to the feedback people give you. It'll make a bond grow between you and your viewers.

~Don't Forget Your Camera at Home~
I can't stress this enough! It's seen so frequently on YouTube that viewers just want to groan when there's a two minute video because the YouTube left their camera at home.

Question of the Chapter:
Do you have a favorite mug? If so, what does it look like?

My Answer:
Yes! It's either a pink mug with a brown butterfly outline and the word 'Believe' under it or a mug that's got a cute mug pattern on it.

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