New Year's Resolutions Tips

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Ok, so the new year is rapidly approaching and that means that people are going to start making New Year's resolutions

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Ok, so the new year is rapidly approaching and that means that people are going to start making New Year's resolutions... and more than likely fail to keep them. That's why I wrote this chapter, so hopefully you can create a reasonably goal and actually follow it through.

~Either Pick One Major Thing or Several Small Things~
Generally, picking one thing will be easier to accomplish than choosing several things, but if you do want to have several resolutions make sure they're smaller and easier to accomplish. Also, make sure that it's a realistic resolution, that way it can be done and you won't feel bad about yourself if you fail.

Plan, plan, plan. Plan and make sure that you have the tools to be able to follow this through. Plan for success, not failure.

~Pick a Date~
If you're doing this there needs to be a date of when you're going to start, and if you're starting the first of the year, good for you! But remember it's a New Year's resolution, you have the entire year for this.

~Know That You'll Fail and Accept It~
If you're trying to quit a bad habit, then know that there will be times that you'll regress, but as long as you push through it'll be worth it in the end. If you're trying to start something new, know that sometimes you'll have to pick yourself up if you fall and that failure is ok.

~Go For It~
You need to be going for this goal with 100% of your effort. Don't waste your time or energy if you're not serious about this. If it helps, write a commitment card, something short to keep in your wallet or hang on your wall.

Examples Include:
I meditate daily.
I stay calm under stress and times of pressure.
I am polite and kind to new people.

~Rewards Help~
Just remember that rewarding yourself is something that'll help with your New Year's resolutions. Whether it's eating something sweet at the end of the week or going out to watch a movie, whatever makes you happy.

Question of the Chapter:
Do you have a New Year's Resolution?

My Answer:
Kinda. I want to start a bullet journal, but I don't know about that yet.

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