I Want to Know You Guys...

281 16 214

Hey guys! I know this technically doesn't count as an update, but in celebration of 5k reads, I figured that something special should be in order. So here it is! I'm gonna ask some questions, feel free to answer them, or not, which is also fine. I'll answer them too, in case y'all want to ask me!

1. Height?
Probably about 5'5.

2. Middle name?

3. Rollercoasters or simulators?

4. Biggest fear?

5. Pet peeve?
When people get out of the shower with their feet still wet, leaving wet footprints in the rug.

6. Relationship status?

7. Favorite song(s)?
Guns for Hands and Implicit Demand for Proof, both by Twenty One Pilots. Ooh and Death of a Bachelor by Panic! at the Disco.

8. Music style?
Alternative rock.

9. Favorite number?
Three or seven.

10. Nickname?
Hai-Bae / Haileg.

11. Pastel or dark colors?

12. Night or day?

13. Pencil or ink?

14. Science or math?

15. Hair color?
Dirty blonde.

16. Books or movies?
I honestly don't know, I love both, but if I had to choose it'd be books.

17. Makeup or barefaced?

18. Fairylights or flowers?

19. Space or sea?

20. Dream job?
Either an author or a mental health therapist.

I really hope y'all can get to know me a bit better, and I can know y'all too.

Hailey (your loving and supporting author)

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