Birth Stones

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Birth stones are pretty neat, and not too many people know what theirs is or what it represents, so I'm gonna educate a few of you in the process of writing a perfectly written, fantastic, amazing, wonderful chapter

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Birth stones are pretty neat, and not too many people know what theirs is or what it represents, so I'm gonna educate a few of you in the process of writing a perfectly written, fantastic, amazing, wonderful chapter... right?

For those of you who would like to learn more about these gems, as I've only scratched the surface, and want to know the source I used, it is in the external link and is as followed: I really think y'all should check it out, it's so interesting to learn more about these stones!

Garnet: This gemstone is commonly red and symbolizes peace, prosperity, and good health. Some people believe it has the power to give it's wearer eternal happiness, wealth, and good health. The garnet also symbolizes deep and lasting friendship, so it's a wonderful gift to give to a friend you deeply value.

Amethyst: This gemstone is a beautiful purple and is associated with peace, courage, and stability, perfect for individuals who need a little bit of warmth in a commonly cold and dark month. Ancient Greek wearers believed it could protect them from drunkness, but nowadays it is believed enhance one's control over their thoughts and guard against their anger. It is also believed to encourage calmness, bravery, and contemplation.

Aquamarine: This gemstone is a light blue and when worn as an amulet, is believed to relieve pain and make the wearer friendlier, to quicken their intellect, and cure laziness. In ancient times, it is also credited with curing ailments of the jaw, throat, stomach, liver, and the teeth.

Diamond: This is the most common gem, and is commonly clear. This stone is known to bring a state of calm and peace and stopping stress, emotional pain, fear, and to protect the owner / wearer of negative energies. In ancient times, it was believed that the diamond could protect the wearer against thieves, fire, water, poison, and sorcery.

Emerald: This gemstone is a vibrant green and is believed to aid in that of public speaking by keeping the mind in excellent condition and promoting a healthy memory. It is also said to detoxify negativity and transform it into a positive emotional energy. They calm, balance, and improve one's intuition, there forth improving their perception.

Pearl: This stone is most commonly white, but can be dyed yellow, green, blue, brown, pink, purple, or black. The pearl is known to symbolize purity and innocence, to enhance personal integrity, and to attune the wearer to the flow of life. If used correctly, pearls can lessen stress and the resulting conditions of stress (headaches, exhaustion, and hypertension.)

Ruby: This gemstone is red and is believed to amplify energy, heighten awareness, promote courage, and bring success in love, wealth, and battle. Rubies are also known to improve motivation, the setting of goals, and dynamic leadership. They make you stronger during times of controversy and are known to aid in settling disputes.

Peridot: This lime green gemstone is believed to help those suffering of depression and self-esteem problems, due to being a stone of lightness that counters the effects of negative emotions. This stone is also believed to soothe nervousness and heal emotional pain, especially that of the past. Burdens, guilt, and obsessions become cleared and it teaches that holding onto the past is very counter productive. Due to it's calming nature, it is also known to aid sleeping.

Sapphire: This gemstone, an array of blue values, is a symbol of the heavens, a guardian of innocence, a bestower of truth, and a promoter of good health. It is believed that sapphires help maintain inner peace and calm nerves. They are also said to promote a positive attitude towards life, promoting self-motivation and help move towards a path of self-fulfillment. It is also said that sapphires promote general health.

Opal: This gem is commonly seen as translucent, but can be white, or many other colors. It is believed that the opal amplifies traits, good or bad, and brings characteristics to the surface for transformation. The stone is also said to stimulate originality and dynamic creativity, encouraging an interest in the arts.

Topaz: This brownish orange gemstone is believed to be particularly useful for artists, as it allows the wearer to see the bigger picture and the tiniest detail, and to recognize how they interrelate. Yet, emotionally, it is believed to help treat depression and attune one to their higher self, allowing a more productive life.

Turquoise: This powdery blue stone is believed to promote leadership, help overcome writer's block, protect against accidents such as theft, loss or attack, but especially falls. Turquoise is also said to dispel negative energy, stabilize mood swings, and assist in fears of flying. (I don't know why, but turquoise kind of revolves around not falling? I don't really know...)

Question of the Chapter:
What's your birthstone?

My Answer:

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