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Oh my goodness! Thank you guys so much for all of your support! Honestly, I never really saw this book going anywhere, and certainly never making it this big. At first it was just a goofy little book to waste some time, but now that I've seen you guys enjoy it so much, it makes my heart glow a little with happiness.

(I was going to say 'Now that I've seen it help y'all out,' but like... this book is still the goofy little book it's always been, just with more reads.)

I'd also like to give a special thanks to a few people who really motivate me to keep writing in this book:







Now, that list is just in alphabetical order because I'm very stingy about lists for some reason. That list is not in the order I love y'all, because honestly it makes me happy inside every time I see y'all's icons in my notifications.

So I suppose I should do something special for 10k but like... what am I supposed to do. I would say I'll take a request from each of you guys, but my requests are always open anyways and no one requests haha.

(That 'haha' was me dying a little inside. I'm just kidding, I've had a few requests, looking at you, Meli and Maddie!)

Anyway's, I guess I should end this little announcement. I hope you guys have a wonderful week, I really do love you guys.

Thanks again,


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