Nail Polish Tips

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o r a n g e  &  g r e e n  t h e m e

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o r a n g e & g r e e n t h e m e

I absolutely suck at painting my nails and some of you probably do too. So here's some tips my sister knows that should help along with the nail painting process.

~Three Strokes~
Basically just three strokes. One for the left side, the the right side, and next the middle!

~Base Coat~
It'll take extra time, but it's actually worth it. It gives your nail polish something to adhere to, allowing your manicure to last longer.

~Do NOT Use Quick-Dry Nail Polish~
It dehydrates your nails!

~Always Use Cuticle Oil~
This will help your cuticles to look like they've just been to the nail salon, adding the perfect touch to your manicure. It hydrates your cuticles and it doesn't hurt to do a quick swipe across your entire nail once your done painting them.

~Cold Water~
If you dip your nails into some ice water after you paint them, it'll allow your nails to dry quicker afterwards.

~Apply Thin Coats~
Of course, this is kinda common sense, but the thin coats will help your nails to dry quicker than those gloopy coats that sometimes are just unavoidable.

~White Base Coat~
The natural tint of your nails can change the color of your nail polish slightly, so if you want the color to pop, use a white nail polish as a base coat for your actual color.

~Don't Shake the Bottle~
Shaking the bottle makes air bubbles, so instead you should roll it back and forth between your hands.

~Filing Nails~
When you file your nails, don't ever file it back and forth, that causes your nails to split, break, and peeling, while also leaving it jagged. Instead, you should always file in one direction.

~Always Use a Top Coat~
And don't forget the very top of your nail, that way when you type on a keyboard you'll be less likely to get chips.

Question of the Chapter:
Favorite lip balm?

My Answer:
Burt's Bees. It's all natural and good for the environment :)

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