How to: Save Money

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b e i g e  a e s t h e t i c

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b e i g e  a e s t h e t i c

Well, this is something that almost anyone can struggle with, not just girls. But most of us do like to shop, we'll buy what we want if we can. So here's a few things that can get that wallet a bit heavier, whether by saving or earning.

~Get a Job~
I know you're probably still a teenager, but in reality, you're not too young for a job. They take maturity and dedication, so just try to make sure you're ready for that. I got a job when I was 14 and I'm in college now, that's a lot of saving. Especially because for most of those years I didn't have to pay any bills!

~Sell Your Old Clothes~
This is such a great way to earn money, not only that, but do you need the clothes? Nope. They're just taking up space in your closet anyways.

My general rule of thumb is if I haven't worn it in a month, and it's still in season, I should get rid of it.

~Avoid the Mall~
I know that the mall is sometimes the only thing you can do in your town or city, but that sure can empty your wallet quickly. If you do decide to go to the mall, take some of your money out of your wallet and put it somewhere safe in your room, that way you don't spend everything.

~Change Jar~
Get a change jar to keep that loose change, it's annoying to find around the house. Creating a change jar to save up and use coin sleeves to turn into the bank is a good way to change those coins into actual cash.

~Ask Yourself Questions~
When you're shopping ask yourself these questions. Do I really need it? Am I going to use/wear it? Do I already have something like it? Do I have a friend that would let me borrow theirs for a while?

~Don't Bypass the Sales~
Seriously, you're going to need those, because sales are lifesavers. They're not always cheap materials either, they're usually just something that the store can't sell because they have the newer line of clothing or whatever it is in the back, waiting to be sold.

~Thrift Shops, Goodwill, and the Salvation Army~
All of those places have reasonably priced things to get, allowing you to get what you need and save money while you're at it.

~Save those Coupons~
I know, sometimes it's just so easy to throw away a coupon, and it's just as easy to lose it. But keeping it safe saves your money, especially if the coupon is for makeup or beauty products.

~Use What You Have~
If you already have a perfectly good iPhone, why do you need the newest version? Especially if it was the newest one before the now newer one, why go out of your way to get the new one when it works?

Question of the Chapter:
How often do you go shopping?

My Answer:
Not very often, I actually hate going shopping, so saving money is rather easy for me.

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