Braces Tips

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My sister has braces and let me tell you, she is not happy about it

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My sister has braces and let me tell you, she is not happy about it. It's at the point to where she can't even stand to talk about it. But luckily I've managed to find some tips that might help her out, and maybe a few of you.

~ Don't use clear or white rubber bands because they can make your teeth appear more yellow.

~ Make sure to brush your teeth, don't skip a morning or a night brushing (use non whitening toothpaste)

~ Take some medicine if it hurts

~ Use the wax they give you

~ Listen to what your orthodontist says

~ Don't eat the foods you're not supposed to, it could worsen the condition of your teeth. Even if it doesn't worsen the condition of your teeth, you might be picking popcorn kernels out of your braces for days

~ FLOSS (you've gotta use a special type of floss so be prepared for that)

Everyone I asked was very general about it, so if you have had braces and I missed something, please leave a comment! And if you're about to get braces and have questions, ask your orthodontist, they're the expert, not me.

Question of the Chapter:
Have you ever had braces?

My Answer:


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