Surviving Sick Days

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Dedicated to @mel979983 because she's really active and real cute

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Dedicated to @mel979983 because she's really active and real cute.

Everyone feels a little bit under the weather from time to time, so it's only natural that I should have a post to help you through it, especially with the colder seasons coming up.

Sleep is so important when you're sick, so relax and get as much of it as you can.

If you're really sick, you should ask a parent if you can take some medicine or go to the doctor.

Drink it, drink it, drink it! Water will help flush your body of the sickness.

If you're nose is congested, take a hot shower or use a humidifier to help clear your sinuses.

Stick with simple stuff like fruit, crackers, and soup so that you don't make yourself feel worse.

~Things to Do~
~ Watch Netflix (a.k.a. watch movies or tv)
~ Read
~ Take naps
~ Tumblr / Instagram / Snapchat / Wattpad
~ Rest and relax
~ Take a bath or a shower
~ Color / sketch

Please feel better soon!

Question of the Chapter:
What's your middle name?

My Answer:

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