Deep Cleaning Your Room

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Hey guys! So something that kind of spurred me to make this chapter was the fact that in order to redo and paint my room we had to do some major cleaning to it before and after

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Hey guys! So something that kind of spurred me to make this chapter was the fact that in order to redo and paint my room we had to do some major cleaning to it before and after... so here are a few things that should probably be done once every few years.

Step 1: Take everything out of your room.
Seriously. If you can't move it out of your room, like your bed and dresser, then just pull it to the middle of your room, away from your walls.

Step 2: Cleaning the walls.
Ok, so I know what you're probably thinking. Clean the walls? How are they even dirty? Well, I'm not crazy, because before you paint a room you're supposed to clean the walls first, which is a lot easier than you think.

All you have to do is take a washcloth and run it under water before you wring all the excess water out. Leaving yourself with a damp washcloth. Take your washcloth and wipe down your walls, and honestly, you'll be surprised by how much dust it'll pick up. Oh and don't forget to take down any things hanging on your wall.

Step 3: Vacuum where you can.
Now that everything has been pulled away from the walls you can vacuum where you usually can't, getting a ton of dust that usually isn't picked up.

Step 4: Moving things back and getting rid of stuff.
Ok, so this is the part that's probably going to be the hardest. While you're moving stuff back to their spots (or a new spot, how am I supposed to know?), you're more than likely going to find stuff that you no longer need or want.

This is the part where a trash bag is going to come in. Start throwing away stuff that's broke or can't be donated. If you do happen to find things that can be donated (clothes, shoes) make a neat pile by your door so that you won't forget about them.

Step 5: Don't forget about your closet.
So I know that this is mainly me, because I happen to have a walk-in closet and I'm not the type of person to shove things under my bed. I'll shove them in my closet, unfortunately. So everything starts piling up in there, and it just always seems to be a train wreck.

Take this opportunity to clean out your closet too!

Step 6: Dusting and vacuuming (again.)
This is the step where you're going to dust all your surfaces, nightstands, dressers, even the top of framed pictures. Anywhere dust can find it's way to build up (like ceiling fans.) After dusting it's best to take a cleaning product (like windex) and spray that on your surfaces too. (While you're using Windex might as well clean your window too, huh.)

This is also the step where you're going to vacuum again. All the dust that's been being disturbed doesn't always end up being caught in your duster, it'll end up on your floor. Plus, I'm going to assume you need to vacuum again anyways, seeing as though you probably only vacuumed the edges of your room.

Step 7: Washing sheets and rugs.
Now, you could've been washing your sheets as you've completed the other steps, but this is probably the best moment to put the sheets back on your bed, that way dust isn't flying everywhere.

This is also the moment where you can wash the rugs that are washer machine safe, or take them outside and either beat them with a broom (I'm gonna start laughing) or just flap them around in the wind or something (I started laughing.)

Step 8: Organize your desk / the top of your dresser.
Take this step to be able to toss out any old papers or go through your drawers. Make sure everything goes back to its proper place and it looks all tidy.

And I think you're done! Hopefully this helped some of y'all, because I'm sure it would've helped me if I had been able to read through this instead of figuring it out myself. I also hope that this wasn't too hard to understand, cause it was kinda rushed writing, sorry if it is!

Good luck!

Question of the Chapter:
Is your room pretty clean right now?

My Answer:
Definitely... just disregard the jacket on the floor, that's literally the only thing... and one pair of shoes. That's it.

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