An Autumn Tag

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Hello, everyone! I know, it's been quite a while since I've updates consistently in this book, but I lost quite a bit of inspiration for it, so I'm hoping the start of Fall can bring it back! I'm not quite sure if I've done a tag on here before, b...

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Hello, everyone! I know, it's been quite a while since I've updates consistently in this book, but I lost quite a bit of inspiration for it, so I'm hoping the start of Fall can bring it back! I'm not quite sure if I've done a tag on here before, but now I am. Feel free to answer the questions yourselves!

1. The smell of pumpkin guts or rotting leaves?
Personally, I love the smell of the leaves. I don't really know, there's just something that makes me identify Autumn with the smell of leaves. To me it's a signature Autumn scent... it's a shame I live in Florida, where leaves don't really fall off the trees.

2. Sweet or salty pumpkin seeds?
I've actually never had either of these, but I think if I had to choose which one I think I would like the most, probably salty pumpkin seeds.

3. Store bought or pumpkin patch pumpkins?
Sadly, we don't really have pumpkin patches too near us, so we tend to buy our pumpkins from the store, if we decide to get pumpkins at all. Normally, we don't.

4. Wool or knit sweaters?
Definitely knit. I don't know if y'all have ever wore a wool sweater but they're so unbelievably itchy.

5. Halloween party or explore haunted places?
I don't like being scared, so I'd have to say Halloween parties. How could those go wrong? You've got your friends, candy, and you get to dress up, what more can you ask for?

6. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
This one is really tough, as I don't really like pie to begin with. I think, though, I'd have to go with apple pie.

7. Still, silent nights, or rainy, windblown nights?
Definitely rainy, windblown nights. I've grown up in Florida and because of that, I've grown up around so much rain that it has just become something that comforts me. I love rainy days, and rainy nights are so much more perfect.

8. Witches or ghosts?
Hmm. I'm not really sure, I think I'd go with ghosts though.

9. Raking leaves or climbing trees?
If I could choose neither, I would, but I think I'd have to go with raking leaves. There's just something so satisfying about it... but then again, I live in Florida, so it's not even necessary for us.

10. Ouija boards or ghost stories around a campfire?
Ghost stories around a campfire. I don't know who the heck would choose ouija boards, because those things are not to be messed with, especially so near Halloween...

11. October or November?
This one is so so hard. I think I would go with November, though. It's colder, closer to Christmas, and we get Thanksgiving too.

12. Black cats or owls?
I'd have to go with owls, just because I'm really allergic to cats. Cats are still really cute though!

13. Fireplace or candlelight?
Ugh, I love fireplaces so much. It's a shame they're not a big thing here. Everything about them is so perfect. They make such beautiful soft noises, they warm you up, they're gorgeous, I could go on and on.

14. Monster movies or their classic novels?
I actually haven't really done either. And even though I love reading, most of the monster books were written in Old English, and I struggle to focus when I have to decipher everything, so I'd go with their movies.

15. Carve or paint pumpkins?
Hmm, I think carving. Then you can make beautiful Jack-O-Lanterns.

Alright! So that's the Autumn Tag. I'm going to go ahead and tag the following people, who I tried to make sure have somewhere they can put this on their profile (and if you don't want to do it, you don't have to, I just thought it would be fun!)

~ NameTheUsed

~ 1PrettyLittlePsycho

~ booklover466

~ SmolEmoGirl87

~ 30pieces

~ ridges-

~ urlocalweasley

~ stirlings

I hope you guys can do this tag too! And if I didn't tag you, but you'd like to be tagged, don't worry, you can say I tagged you, because I just did!

Question of the Chapter:
Are you a big fan of Autumn?

My Answer:
Yes! I love how the weather gets cooler and the fact that it means Christmas is on it's way!

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