Getting Rid of Dark Circles

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I definitely struggle with this, but part of my struggle is that I'm low on iron and tired 24/7

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I definitely struggle with this, but part of my struggle is that I'm low on iron and tired 24/7. But I'm working on that. For those of you who want to get rid of their dark circles fast, here's a few tricks that might help.

I know, I know, it's the cliché thing you usually think about, but hear me out. Cucumbers have a small amount of astringent properties that can help, with the added bonus of feeling cool and refreshed afterwards.

Cut fresh cucumber into thick slices and allow them to sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before applying it to your eyelids for 10 minutes. Wash your eyes with water and repeat twice daily (if that) for a week or more.

~Tea Bags~
Seeing as though tea has natural antioxidants, its basically the earth's gift to us to allow us to get rid of puffiness and discoloration under the eyes. Just be careful not to get tea in your eyes when you do this.

Chill two green or black tea bags in your refrigerator for about half an hour. Place one bag on each eye and leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes before removing them and washing your face. Repeat once or twice daily for a week or more.

~Cold Compress~
These really help by reducing eye puffiness and dark circles.

Soak a washcloth in cold water and place it over your closed eyelids for several minutes. Or you can use other things like ice cubes wrapped in a soft napkin or cold spoons. Use it a few times daily.

Of course there are other remedies out there, but these seemed the easier and most accessible to use. Sorry it's a really short chapter but good luck!

Question of the Chapter:
If you had to dye your hair an unnatural color for a year, what color would it be?

My Answer:
Hmm, either royal blue or lavender.

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