30 Day Minimalism Challenge

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Hey guys! For today's chapter I thought it would be an amazing idea to have something that could factor in with the new(ish) year!

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Hey guys! For today's chapter I thought it would be an amazing idea to have something that could factor in with the new(ish) year!

This challenge, created by Anuschka Rees, was created so that you could get a small taste of minimalist living... in a small way. (I also put her website in the external link, so if you'd like to visit the actual page that goes into more detail on these tasks, go there.)

I saw one minimalism challenge where you're supposed to get rid of one thing on the first day, two on the second, three on the third, and so forth. I suppose that's also minimalism living, but if you can't handle this first one, there's no way you can handle that one.

Who knows, maybe you'll give both a try?

Day 1: Stay offline for one day.

Day 2: Meditate for fifteen minutes.

Day 3: Declutter your digital life. (desktop, files, photos)

Day 4: No-complaint day.

Day 5: Identify your 3 - 6 main priorities.

Day 6: Follow a morning ritual (without immediately checking social media feeds.)

Day 7: Streamline your reading list. (get rid of unimportant bookmarks, unsub to things)

Day 8: Learn to enjoy solitude.

Day 9: Downsize your beauty collection.

Day 10: No email or social media until lunch.

Day 11: Evaluate your commitments.

Day 12: Define your goals for this year.

Day 13: Clean out your closet.

Day 14: Take a step towards learning a new skill.

Day 15: Examine your daily habits.

Day 16: Don't buy anything for 24 hours.

Day 17: Practice single-tasking.

Day 18: Unfollow and unfriend.

Day 19: Go for a walk and practice mindfulness.

Day 20: No TV all day, read instead.

Day 21: Journal for 20 minutes.

Day 22: Create a relaxing bedtime routine.

Day 23: Go bare-faced.

Day 24: Practice gratitude.

Day 25: Leave a whole day unplanned.

Day 26: Identify your stress triggers.

Day 27: Clean out your junk drawer.

Day 28: Let go of a goal.

Day 29: Turn off notifications.

Day 30: Evaluate your last five purchases.

Questions of the Chapter:
Do you want to become minimalist? Or just try to downsize a bit?

My Answer:
I'd love to be a minimalist, but realistically I'm just trying to downsize.

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