Small Reasons to Stay Alive

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I hope that a lot of you out there know that depression is more common than you think, and not just depression either, mental illnesses are more common thank you think

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I hope that a lot of you out there know that depression is more common than you think, and not just depression either, mental illnesses are more common thank you think. In fact, I have anxiety. Just remember that there are some people having trouble getting through life, so I made a list of small reasons to stay alive.

~ To finish that show you've been meaning to watch

~ To read the books you haven't read yet

~ To listen to your favorite music

~ Your pets (they'd miss you!)

~ Chocolate chip cookies / brownies

~ Listening to the rain

~ To accomplish that dream of yours

~ We would miss you

~ To find your soulmate

~ Really soft pillows

~ To be able to go on road trips

~ Hugs

~ And kisses

~ Making snow angels

~ Laughing until you cry

~ Knowing that being happy doesn't mean everything has to be perfect

~ What about your favorite food? chocolate?!

~ You wouldn't be able to hear when that one friend snorts when they laugh

~ You're gorgeous

~ Being able to tell the people you love that you love them

~ Taking bubble baths

~ Movie nights

~ Comfy sweaters

~ Sunsets and sunrises

I know some of these sound silly, but I really hope they help, just remember that if you need someone to talk to, you can always talk to me.

Question of the Chapter: What's something that always seems to cheer you up?

My Answer: Ice cream, I depend on that stuff

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