How to: Survive Exams

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Exam season

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Exam season. That horrible time of the year where the semester is finally wrapping up and tests that are a huuuge part of your grade arrive. Here's some tips for how to deal with them!

~ Study, study, study!

~ Take 10-15 minute breaks

~ Stay positive! Thinking you're going to fail might just happen to lead to failure

~ Have a healthy snack and some water near you when you study so that you don't procrastinate studying by eating food (you know you do it, don't even lie to me)

~ Go to sleep early, not just before the night of the exam, but about a week before so that you'll be able to get your body used to sleeping early. The time I recommend would be anywhere from 10 to 11 p.m.

~ Eat breakfast in the morning, it'll allow you to function a lot better in the long run. (Not just cereal either! Have something that's got protein in it!)

~ Don't stress out, too much studying can be an overload of information, take a break by reading, taking a bath, or listening to music

~ For certain subjects, turning your notes into flash cards can really help, do that if it helps you

~ During the exam, read the question properly, don't skim it, that can lead to a misunderstanding

Question of the Chapter:
When do you have exams?

My Answer:
This upcoming Friday and Monday, all throughout the end of the year at random intervals.

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