Getting Ready for Summer

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s u m m e r  a e s t h e t i c

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s u m m e r  a e s t h e t i c

Guess who's back, baby! And ready to jump into these Summer chapters!!

~Take Pictures~
It's finally Summer! That means it's time to take tons of pictures of you and your friends having fun, you and your family on vacation, or just photos of something that looks nice. Personally, I love the look of Polaroids more, but regular pictures work too!

~Plan Adventures~
Now that school has let out, it's time to go have fun out on the town or out of town. If you can drive, consider asking your parents to go to a nearby city with some friends. Or you can just go find some local trails or museums to go to with your friends.

~Summer Wardrobe~
I don't know about you guys, but I seem to have outgrown all my Summer clothes from last year, or they're completely not me anymore. Go shopping for a Summer wardrobe! Buy new shorts, sundresses, sunglasses, a floppy hat- the options are endless.

~Create a Summer Playlist~
This is something that in my opinion, is mandatory. But I'm also a huge music fanatic. Create a Summer playlist of some popular or upbeat jams. Preferably something you can play at a party OR if you want to go for some real Summer vibes, make a playlist that's full of reggae.

~Watch Summer Videos~
YouTube has a ton of options that includes vacation vlogs, Summer road trips, and other things of that sort that could get you into a Summer vibe ;)

~Summer Bucket List~
Make a Summer bucket list! Lucky for you, I've already got one in this book (shameless self-promo haha.)

~Be Confident~
Work on your self-confidence! You're a goddess who walks the earth, an angel that's fallen from Heaven, a star that's shining brightly, and you really need to know it! Confidence is key to enjoying yourself AND your Summer, so try to appreciate yourself a bit more, alright? <3

Question of the Chapter:
Are you ready for Summer?

My Answer:
Oh, most definitely. I'm ready to work more, go out on the town more, and cause trouble.

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