Pros and Cons of Coffee

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I'm a huge coffee drinker, I drink it in the morning before school and sometimes if I pass a Starbucks

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I'm a huge coffee drinker, I drink it in the morning before school and sometimes if I pass a Starbucks. Naturally, I should know the pros and cons of drinking coffee, so I'm going to share them with you guys, because I know for a fact that I am not the only person addicted to the drink.

Pros (Generally if you drink it black, with no sugar):
~ It can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 30%

~ Coffee helps fight depression by triggering the release of serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline.

~ Coffee can reduce your risk of strokes.

~ It helps you focus and stay alert.

~ It boosts your physical performance, for instance, drinking a cup of it an hour before working out and exercising.

~ Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants, therefore protecting your body from sickness.

~ Helps reduce asthma attacks.

Cons (Mainly if You're Over Consuming It:)
~ It causes insomnia and restlessness.

~ Bad coffee can be toxic, for instance if the coffee beans used were ruined they can cause you to become sick, but if you invest in high quality coffee, you won't have to worry too much about that.

~ The acids in coffee can stain your teeth.

~ The acids can also aggravate your heart, causing heartburn.

~ Coffee can raise your blood pressure.

~ It dehydrates you, but just drinking an extra glass of water will counteract that.

Question of the Chapter:
What's your favorite type of coffee?

My Answer:
Hazelnut or Santa's White Christmas

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