Surviving High School

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Dedicated to: @1PrettyLittlePsycho 

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Dedicated to: @1PrettyLittlePsycho 

Long time, no see! I apologize for such a long wait, I've had no inspiration for this book whatsoever... but I'm back! (Hopefully.)

Anyways, I wrote a chapter about surviving middle school forever ago and now I'm doing the high school version! I'm a Junior this year so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about.

~Make Friends~
Ok, honestly, this one will save your life. Make friends in every class you have, that way when it's time to partner up with someone, you have a friend in that class. Also, people teach so many lessons, especially if you have friends that are very diverse (someone from band, class president, athletes, etc.)

I know, teachers... boring, right? Maybe not. Try as hard as possible to keep on your teachers' good sides that way you can go far in class. Also, don't be scared to ask for help! It's literally their job to answer questions... so don't be afraid of looking dumb. I do it all the time.

Yeah, this one is going to suck, I'll be real with you.

Make sure you're studying hard for tests and quizzes, they count for so much of your grade. Also, make sure you're taking good notes to study off of. One tip I've seen is to have two notebooks, one for at school note-taking and one to re-copy the notes neater at home. That way you can study the really neat ones and do better on your tests.

If it helps, create study groups with your friends, that way everyone can get some studying in. BUT, if you know that you and your friends tend to goof off when you're together, that might not be the smartest thing to schedule. You should probably try studying on your own.

Also, be on time to class! Try not to get too caught up with socializing with your friends in the hallways. And once in class, pay attention!

Ok, so what I've found helps me the most is to have a planner for all of my tests and quiz dates. That way I know when they are so I can plan everything accordingly.

Organize your binders! Use dividers to keep everything neat and in their respective spots. It'll make everything that much easier to find.

~Join a Club~
It'll help you stay active during the school year, and help you find friends with the same interests as you. Clubs also look very good on college applications, so try to keep that in mind.

~Find a Job~
While this one isn't as necessary, it was for me. I have to pay for everything out of my own pocket, so I've been working at my local grocery store part-time for two-and-a-half years. It gives me some extra money, and it looks great on college application forms.

~Try to Have a College Game Plan~
Ok, this one will be really hard to figure out, but it honestly helps in the long run. If you're figuring out where you want to go to college, that's one thing that already out of the way. Now, figuring out what you want to go to college for? That's a whole other story.

Try to figure out what you want to do, something that you enjoy doing, preferably. Work towards it! Perhaps try to start now! Do some dual enrollment or some AP courses. Anything will help.

I know this will be hard for some of you, and it might take a lot of hard work to become more confident. I would know. Do simple things like smiling more, keeping eye contact, and dressing in the way that gives you that extra pep in your step.

Please, please, please wear deodorant. Add some perfume if you'd like. But please shower every day. Brush your teeth in the morning, brush your hair, keep your clothes clean, and shave.

Ok, so dating in high school is this big over-glorified thing, in my opinion. If you decide to date, and it's alright with your parents, please keep your morals and standards where you want them, and don't let some person you like try to change them. Never lower your morals.

The person you want to date should be someone that you admire and someone you are, or could become, good friends with. Honestly, you shouldn't be dating someone if you can't even be friends.

Heck, I've been dating my boyfriend for... three years this upcoming October? Yeah. And we were friends before we started dating. (Not to mention we're both each other's first relationship.) I guess the point I'm trying to make by telling you all of this is that you should be dating someone you can see yourself being with for the long-run. Not just to have a fling.

~Make Time for Yourself~
THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. Self-care is so so so important. If you're not taking care of yourself, you'll struggle in everything you do. Set aside an hour a day where you can hole yourself up in your room and do what makes you feel less stressed.

Question of the Chapter:
What grade are you in right now?

My Answer:

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