A Day in My Life 2017

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@Thecoolchick111 requested this chapter so I hope you enjoy!

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@Thecoolchick111 requested this chapter so I hope you enjoy!

I'm just going to start off with my life is pretty boring. So I mean, I don't really know why anyone would want to know my schedule haha.

This is when I wake up and eat breakfast. Now, I know most of y'all are most definitely not morning people, but I am, so it's not too hard for me to wake up and get moving.

This is generally when I brush my teeth and hair, get dressed, wash my face, and make my lunch. After all of that, I leave for school at about 8:45.

I'll arrive at school at about 8:56 and talk to my friends until the bell rings at 9:07. Then I'm in school the entire day until 3:21.

So the time jump is pretty big, but that's because my cousin takes me home from school so I have to wait on him to stop talking to his friends. This is kind of the busiest time of the day for me. This is when I do my chores (unloading the dishwasher, laundry, cleaning my bathroom, vacuuming, and dusting) and do my homework.

This is about the time that my family eats dinner. This will either range from eating at the table, going our separate ways to eat in our rooms, or eating while watching a show / movie. After eating my sister, my cousin, and I have to clean the kitchen, so that might take 30 minutes.

I kinda take a shower during this time so that's kinda self explanatory.

This is the time that I spend on myself. Watching YouTube, being on Wattpad, reading, writing, or even just sifting through my Instagram feed, I like to have some down time right about now.

This is the time that I spend Skyping my boyfriend, seeing as though he lives in North Carolina and I live in Florida. So we try to carve out this time to ourselves.

My phone gets taken away by my parents at 9 *insert sad face here* so this is the time I spend on my laptop, where I do the same things I do after my shower. At eleven I finally force myself to go to sleep and... yeah. That's about a generic day.

Question of the Chapter:
Do you like to read?

My Answer:
I love reading so much, oh my goodness.

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