Saving Time in the Morning

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b e i g e  a e s t h e t i c

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b e i g e a e s t h e t i c

I'm actually a morning person so I know these tips pretty well, I can help explain these for those of you who aren't morning people. Saving time in the morning does a lot in the long run so hopefully you guys will be able to find these tips and tricks helpful!

~Actually Get Out of Bed~
This is going to be the most difficult for you guys to master, I can feel it in my gut. If you use an alarm, you can put it across the room so you have to get up to turn it off, so that should be able to help.

~Either Have a Shower Timer or Take One at Night~
This can cut down on the time spent in the morning drastically. It makes a huge difference if you take a shower at night because you can sleep later if you don't need to shower in the morning at all.

~Choose Your Outfit the Night Before~
Not only will this help you out with that rush of trying to decide if it really does match or not, it also helps your outfit look more thought out, because it is more thought out.

~Don't Skip Breakfast Completely~
Some of y'all might not eat breakfast at all, but it is the most important meal of the day so try not to skip it too often. Eating a granola bar or fruit is a quick meal, but eating fruit also has another benefit. Eating fruit is a good way to stop you from feeling sluggish because it gets everything in your body working much quicker.

~Prepare Your Lunch the Night Before~
That way, you're not in too much of a rush and forget half your lunch, just for the simple fact that you never got to prepare it.

~Gather Your Things in One Place~
Place your keys, book bag, chapstick, shoes, whatever you need, in the same place. Kind of self explanatory, isn't it?

Question of the Chapter:
What time do you wake up for school?

My Answer:
Around 6 because I usually have to get to the college around 7:30, and I live farther away then I'd like to.

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