The 30 Day Writing Challenge

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Hey guys

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Hey guys... I'm sorry I haven't posted anything lately. It's really been a while, lately I've been busy with some last minute projects and now I'm currently on Spring Break trying to write this real quick, so I hope you enjoy this rushed writing.

On a side note, I hope that y'all like the new format of the pictures! I changed them up a bit because I was getting tired of doing the old format.

All you need for this is a small journal or a few pieces of paper, whichever you prefer!

1. List 10 things that make you happy

2. Write something that someone told you about yourself that's unforgettable

3. Top 3 pet peeves

4. Someone who inspires you

5. Top 5 places you want to visit

6. Top 5 ways to win your heart

7. 10 songs you're loving right now

8. Something you struggle with

9. Words of wisdom that speak to you

10. Something you feel strongly about

11. Something you always feel "what if" about

12. 5 blessings in your life

13. What are you excited about?

14. Movies that you never get tired of watching

15. Bullet point your whole day

16. Something / someone you miss

17. Your zodiac sign and whether it fits you

18. 30 facts about yourself

19. Describe your first love (or crush)

20. 3 celebrity crushes

21. 3 lessons you want your future children to learn from you

22. Put your music on shuffle and write the first 10 songs

23. A letter to someone

24. A lesson you've learned the hard way

25. Think of any word. Search it on Google images and write something inspired by the 11th image

26. An area in your life you'd like to improve

27. Your dream house

28. 5 things that make you laugh out loud

29. Your goals for the next 30 days

30. Your highs and lows of the month

Question of the Chapter:
What's your favorite color to paint your nails?

My Answer:
Either white or red.

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