DIY Teacher Appreciation Gifts

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So, the end of the school year is rapidly approaching and I don't know about you guys, but I really do appreciate each one of my teachers this year

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So, the end of the school year is rapidly approaching and I don't know about you guys, but I really do appreciate each one of my teachers this year. They've all been so kind and sweet, and I'm so glad that I could be taught by these wonderful people.

Therefore I'm going to make a few end of the year appreciation gifts for my teachers, just to show them how much I appreciate what they've done for me.

(A/N: If you don't like cheesy puns, don't read this chapter.)

So for this gift, all you have to do is bake a batch of cookies, find something cute to put them in (that you won't need back), and something really cheesy to title it with. Probably "Thanks for making me one smart cookie!"

~Expo Markers~
If you really want to give your teachers something useful, they're always running out of Expo markers, so all you have to do is buy a pack of markers and slap a cheesy title on it. "You have made a MARK on my life that can never be ERASED. Thank you for being a great teacher!"

~Sticky Notes~
Buy some sticky notes and put another cheesy title on it. "Thank you for 'STICKING' with me and helping me learn!"

Ok, so this one, it would probably be smart to learn if they have a Keurig or something along the lines of one. Buy some Keurig cups (coffee, tea, hot chocolate) and put some cheesy titles on them. "Thank you for quenching our thirst for knowledge!" and "It takes a big heart to shape young minds (and sometimes a little coffee!)"

This one follows the lines of my others.
- Starbursts "BURSTING to tell you- you're an amazing teacher!"
- Extra gum "You're an EXTRA amazing teacher!"
- Swedish Fish "You're O-FISH-ALLY an amazing teacher!"
- Tootsie Roll "Thank you for your ROLL in our lives!"

Maybe buy your teacher a box of popcorn, or split the box and just use the bags, and stick a note on it that says, "Just POPPING by to say thanks!"

~Hand Sanitizer or a Nice Smelling Soap~
This is probably aimed more towards the female teachers, but if you buy something that has a nice scent and stick a note on it with the cheesy line "HANDS DOWN you're the best teacher around!" you'll probably leave a nice impression on your teacher.

Question of the Chapter:
When do you get out of school?

My Answer:
Today. (June 2nd, 2017)

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