Surviving a Breakup

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o r a n g e  &  g r e e n  t h e m e

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o r a n g e  &  g r e e n  t h e m e

I've been through this a few times, and my heart reaches out to those of you who are going through it right now. If you've gone through this, maybe you can leave encouraging comments or tips in the comments section? Don't worry, girl, we're all here for you.

~It's Ok to Cry~
Somebody is probably going to tell you that you shouldn't cry over it, but trust me, crying can get all of the emotions that need to be released quickly.

~Talk to Someone~
Sometimes the best thing you can do is talk to a close friend about it, other times you might feel as though they aren't the best choice. Sometimes an internet friend, or someone you don't know too much can help just as much, if not better than a friend you know really well.

~Get Rid of the Things that Remind You of Them~
Whether it's photos of the both of you, cards, letters, or gifts, they need to disappear. If you don't want to get rid of them, give them to a close friend to hold on to, that way you can still heal and keep the things you want to keep.

~Stay Busy~
Make plans with friends, go out with family, just do not leave too much time to be alone. Even if you don't think you'll enjoy it and that it might be putting off those thoughts, sometimes that's what you need.

~Your Happiness is Not Dependent on Your Ex~
Remind yourself that. Write it down. Remember that your happiness should not depend on another person. Do things that you couldn't do while in your relationship. Like learning how to do that one thing, but the thought that it would be too much time stopped you from it? Yeah, that thing. Go do it.

If you're the one who broke up with your partner, it's normal to have feelings of guilt. Just know that you've done what's best for you. You're allowed to be sad and upset about it!

These are only a few things you can do to help you get over that person, just remember that your friends are going to be there for you after a breakup.

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