Chapter 26

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Woke up this morning with a gigantic smile. It was Saturday, no classes, no work, no stress.

I decided to get in touch with Marissa last night but didn't because I fell off to sleep. Tiring day.
I sent her a quick text:

Hey bestie. Missing you so much. How's all? x

Knowing Marissa, she must be either asleep or still at a party. I crawl out of bed and stretch my body, yawning as I do.

Soon as I throw my phone back on my bed, it beeps signalling a new text.

Kaia bear i miss u so much. Hv 2 meet soon. I h8 SU already. Too much work. Hw r u? xoxo

I can almost hear her nagging voice calling me Kaia bear. That's been my nickname since I was 11, from both her and my family.

I've been gud jst missing you and home a bit. WCU is great. Managed to mke friends surprise surprise! xx

Aw babes! Thts gr8 news. Hv u been in contact w/ a certain green eyed Adonis?

That's a topic for another day. Let's jst say he kinda stays opposite my room nd we may hv went on a date, at least I think it was. x

Oh my GOSH! When we get tgethr u r soo tellin me everything! I hv to go..hv class today. Got cancelled ystrdy. I'll text u l8r. Wuv U Kaia bear xoxo

Oh ok. Love u too Marissa. Take care x

I decide to text Ash. Find out what he's up to. In a friendly, not flirty way. What even?

Morning Ash. Are you up?

There. That sounds friendly enough. Ha!

There was an instant reply. Guess he's awake too.

Good morning love. I jst got out of the shower. Fancy some breakfast? xx

Wow. I'm amazed you're awake! I thought you lot slept in on Saturdays lol

Ha! Ha! Well I got up early and cleaned up my room a bit. Since I'll be hving you over a lot mre I'll hv to keep it up to ur standard xx

Hahaha u rly don't have to do that lol seriously. Anyway I'm cming over for breakfast now. C u soon.

Patiently waiting angel xx

OK what just happened? I was only supposed to say good morning. Great. I don't know how to act. Wait, why am I blushing? Oh shit.

I grab my shower gear and run to the showers as quick as I can. It felt like a record shower, I was in and out in less than 10 minutes but I made sure to shave and shampoo my hair. I should really start waxing or something.
After i felt like I was clean enough, I turned off the shower, grabbed my towel and hurried out. God I hope he doesn't come out of his room while I'm running to mine.

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