Chapter 56

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Three days later.

"And then she gave me this look.. .like oh my gosh, I wanted to rip her hair out".

"Hello? Are you even listening to me? Kaia?".

"Leave her alone, she's probably just tired of your voice".

"Shut up Todd!".

"No, you shut up. The last thing she needs to hear about is your encounter with Yvonne".

"Ugh, whatever".

"Kaia, you okay?"


"Oh, sorry guys. I must have--"

"Zoned out again" Todd and Dani said out loud.

"Yes. That" I said, picking one of Todd's fries.

"We should go out this weekend" Dani suggested, taking a bite of her burger. I wish I had more of an appetite, that burger looks delicious.

"I'll pass, I have to study" I said, looking down at my History book.

"I'll study with you" Todd said, putting his arm around me.

Dani dropped her burger and looked at me with a concerned look on her face.

"It's Wednesday. I haven't seen you eat anything more than a packet of chips. Why are you doing this to yourself?" Dani asked.

I sighed loudly and looked at Dani.

"I'm not doing anything. ..I'm just not that hungry".

"I know it's because of what happened and I don't like seeing you this way" Dani said, holding my hand.

"Well what can I do, Dani? He's clearly moved on with Alexis. I don't know how to feel about that, even though we weren't together".

"It will be hard to move on because you still like him. But you have to someday, you can't mope around forever" Todd said, leaning on my shoulder.

"I guess so" I said, looking down at my phone. I had to do the first step in moving on. I unblocked his number and deleted it. Keeping it blocked would mean I'm not over him, and I'm trying so hard to be over him. I have to convince myself I'm okay.

"I'll see you guys later" I said, standing up and heading to my Art class.

There's been a ton of work to do in Art and I haven't even gotten started. I spent Monday afternoon at James apartment, shooting the first part of his project. I was nervous at first but having a friend take my pictures wasn't as bad as I thought. By the time Axel arrived, I was even more comfortable, I looked like a pro. At least I thought I did.

Yesterday I tried to study but I ended up falling asleep at my study table. I guess things haven't been going so well since that night. I can't seem to focus on my books when my mind keeps wandering back to our fight.

My class was alright. Nothing much happened, just more notes got handed out and I'm once again overloaded with stuff to cram before the exams next week. Just great!

The next class was English and it pretty much was the same. Our teacher didn't show up but left a ton of old test papers to go through.

"It could have been much worse. If your teacher was here, you'd be reading that paper out loud until you memorized it" a voice said from behind me.

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