3.Words of Wisdom

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Chaos from hell just fell upon your shoulders. Despondently and obliviously you sat in the college library . Pondering over and over again , where did you went wrong , wondering what evil omen did care to visit you , wondering why life was suddenly so exasperating .

Instead of advancing home , you took a random book and sat in the middle of the library , lost in thoughts not mindful about the book that was kept upended infront of you. Murmuring to yourself.

A tall and handsome guy came and corrected that upside down book and sat infront of you , completely understanding your scrambled life but not aware of the context.

"Life sucks right?" he whispered.

You gazed at him, wondering how would he now add up to your messed up day.

"I'm not in a good mood , and I don't want to sound rude , so please leave me alone "you said politely.

"I would , but my virtues doesn't allow me to leave a pretty girl in desolation , moreover you never know you might just feel right sharing your troubleness".

His expression said that he was also in no mood to leave you alone. But Sharing might help you. Because you were left with none to share with . Moreover, he felt pity watching a preety girl having a hard time or he was just being humble .

"I didn't expect my first day to be a blunder . All I wanted was good friends and a harmonious life with my dance and studies soaring high, but life is at war with my will and I even welcomed a nemesis."

" Life isn't obliged to do as per our will. It's life right! . And whatever happens , happens for good. All you can do is live a life full of integrity and hardwork . Don't worry about the chain of events. Whatever happens , happens for a reason "he asserted

"You mean if my life is all F**ked up , then its happening for a reason" you questioned him.

"Definitely , Everyone suffers in their life. There are many sad days. But rather than days, we hope to have better days. That's what makes us live. That's what makes us dream."

Suddenly this handsome guy made sense to you. Why should you be so bothered , you must keep on aspiring your dream irrespective of the digressions .

While both of you were in your session , the librarian seemed troubled , it's a library you had to keep quiet . So both of you left.

" I believe you must be going home now " he asked you

"Yes, your words helped a lot though , thanks. "

" Let me drop you at your house , I have a bike "

Getting lift from a stranger is kind of weird , but this stranger was kind a wise. If still anything weird happens you always have the oppurtunity to jump off the bike.

"Sure, thanks "

Both of you were off to your house, and reached in few minutes.

"Thanks for the ride , I forgot to ask your name".

"My name is Kim Namjoon."

"Hi i'm Y/N , your words really helped though , I appreciate it, I wish i had a friend like you . "

"Well, you have me now , i can't be your friend but definitely your elder brother, you can call me oppa.", he had a sincere smile.

"Awwww! That is so sweet of you, Eventhough i have a elder brother but I would love to have a brother like you,"

" Good, i should be going now it's late".

"Sorry, because of me , you'll be late now."

"Don't worry I just live two blocks away , that's why i could drop you off."

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