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After having an intense conversation with the guys, you were left alone to introspect with yourself. In that few minutes, you sat there assembling all those dissembled puzzle pieces. Was the picture beautiful enough to make a difference in your life? Yes! It was.

After hearing to what they have undergone, suddenly your pain didn't feel the greater one. What they have been through, you can't even have a nightmare about it. Life is sometimes cruel to some, but why is it so cruel that it breaks down them to a level that they shatter into pieces until somebody else comes and joins them. The Hyungs were there to bind it and now they've found you.

The reason they are so madly in love with you was clear for you now. The reason they created all those dramas and actions just to bring you close to them. Were they successful? Yes! They were. The Maknaes must be in the seventh heaven, finding their departed love once again that too in its unsurpassed form. All those moments dear to their heart must be flashing right in front of their eyes whenever they see you. They must be feeling restless every second, not able to hold you in their arms, not able to kiss you with that passion like they used to. This becomes the reason they get so affectionate and demonstrative around you. Everything made sense now 

While you were lost in your trail thoughts, the door to your room opened once again.

"Yoongi!" you stood up from your bed.

"Finally! You are habituated in calling me Yoongi ." he gave a satisfied nod and sat on the couch.

You stood their head down and hands on the back like you were ready to take a punishment.

"Come here!" he patted beside the couch.

You waddled towards the couch and sat beside him, hesitatingly. His sole presence was escalating your heartbeat, out of fear.

"I won't beat around the bush, so let's come straight to the point. What have you thought?" he asked in his deadpan face whose eyes fell upon you.

"I-I Uhmm...I " words didn't come out of your mouth even though you knew what he was asking about.

"Listen! Don't be scared. I won't eat you up. Tell me. You never know this person sitting in front of you could help you ." he gave you a faint smile which made you a bit comfy.

It isn't usual that Min Yoongi enters your room, a girl's room to be specific, and sits on your couch, and wants to discuss regarding your problems. It never happens, today it did. So, it is better to take the wisdom while the wiser sits beside you.

"I-I am confused Yoongi. I don't know ..I mean, what should I do. I am hell confused." you said while fidgeting.

"Do you love them?" he snapped. So straight forward.

For a moment you thought and then gave a weak nod. Like you want to admit it, but you don't want to admit it. It doesn't even make sense. But Yoongi didn't spare his time to play games.

"You have a mouth to answer, right?"

You bit on your lower lips,


"Yes, what?"

"I-I love them."

He smirked," I don't find it surprising, because it is not something that is impossible. There have been instances in history to set a better example for your condition. Love isn't bounded by anything. Humans have set limits. Whereas love, it can happen with anyone, anywhere, anytime. "

You nodded."B-but what about the society. I mean doesn't it matters what others think," you uttered.

"Don't give an f**k about society. It's a hypocrite world. They don't practice what they preach. It is you who knows your competence. The society is no one to tell you if you can love three or one or hundred. If you know that you can and you do then don't bothered about society."

She Is Ours  #wattys2020 Where stories live. Discover now