6.Feels like wearing him

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"Y/n, you always have the option of staying with us, okay? "

You, Namjoon and Hoseok were having lunch together in the canteen. Both of them were literally worried regarding their little girl being stalked. So they kept on asking you to stay with them.

"Yes Y/n!  we have extra rooms, you'll have your personal space too, moreover, we can hang out every day ." Hoseok was excited with the thought of you living with them.

No matter how much they insist but living under a single roof with so many guys is a big NO for you.

"It's fine. I am a big girl and I'll beat the shit out of that stalker if he comes in front of me ."

Namjoon and Hoseok roared with laughter. It didn't ring a bell inside your head. what did you say that made them laugh so hard.

"Why are you both laughing?" you gave a serious look.

"Jungkook hardly touched you and you got a bruise, how are you going to beat the shit out of the stalker?" Hoseok managed to say still not able to control his infectious laugh.

"That bunny is super stronge, it ain't my fault, I wonder what he eats."

"He eats what we eat, now eat your food, it's getting cold," Namjoon said.

Both of them ate and went away, you being a slow eater took time.

After finishing your lunch you stood up to exit the canteen, while walking towards the door somebody bumped into you dropping all the food on the tray on your body, ruining your beautiful pretty dress. Your dress was covered in God knows what not, noodles, sauce, coke. That person literally just covered you in a meal. " What the F**k, you a**hole, are you blind?", you cursed that person who did this.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to, but you deserve this bitch," she said.

Her voice was familiar. It was non-other than Euna. The unwanted burden in your sweet life. Her smirking face made your fingers into a clenched fist ready to punch her. Her two bootless friends were laughing behind her.

"Shut the f**k up you lumpish little villainous bitch ." Your fists were ready to finally admit her to the hospital which remained unaccomplished last time. Out of nowhere on the earth Jungkook showed up and clutched your hand. It was quite coincidental that whenever you intended to do something this boy decides to show up.

"Don't waste your energy in worthless people Y/n?" Jungkook said frowning at Euna.

"Jungkookie! Why do you always take her side, she is just a useless bitch trying to steal you from me." Euna spoke out. Like you would literally steal Jungkook. That didn't make any sense. Nothing really made sense to you since the day you joined this college. But who cares, the ball was in your court. Jungkook was there for you. And that's what mattered.

"Mind your own F**king business, and I'm not your Jungkookie,  stop being a desperate shit Euna , and stay away from my life and from my people." Jungkook shouted at her.

He just said my people, it made you feel little, a tiny bit special. Because you thought he hated you, but then he said 'my people'.

But the deed was done. Each and everybody in that canteen was looking at the scene created by the attention seeker Euna.

You were quite embarrassed now. This could make you notorious. Jungkook noticed your embarrassment and took you away from there. He kept on dragging you until you reached the dance studio. It was empty the boys were yet to come. You didn't even have your spare clothes. What would you wear? You can't go home like this. The whole world would stare at you.

"I have spare clothes, don't worry." Jungkook took out a trouser and a t-shirt from his backpack and handed it to you.

"Go change. "

You nodded and headed for the washroom nearby. Your dress was a tasty mess, smelling like food. You quickly changed into his clothes. Now you smelled like Jungkook. His clothes were oversized but were comfortable. It felt like wearing him. You can't literally wear him, but something like that.
You went to the dance studio folded your dirty clothes and reached for your bag kept in the corner.  You were carefully keeping those clothes inside your bag in order to wash it at home but then you felt a tight slap on your butt.

"Jungkook! , I won't stay for long today, be quick and teach me the rest of the choreography".

"Who the hell?" You raised your head above to look at that person who dared to do this. "JIN Oppa? why did you...?"

"Y/N? it's you, I thought it was Jungkook, sorry beautiful ." Jin apologized seeming totally embarrassed.

"Its okie." you gave a fake awkward smile to him. But It wasn't okay.

Then you heard a crowd of laughter entering the room. The rest of the boys just witnessed something so embarrassing. And couldn't control teasing Jin.

"It was a mistake guys, don't start laughing now."

"Can't you figure out between a boy and a girl Jin." Hoseok loved teasing him.

"But why are you wearing Jungkook's cloth Y/n, What's going on between you both now?".

"Nothing Joon, Euna had intentionally spilt all her food on me, and here I am, in Jungkook's clothes".

But then Taehyung did something completely opposite, he came behind you and caressed your butt. You quickly removed his hands.

"Stop it!  Taehyung, go away." you pushed him off.

"I thought it might have hurt you." he put his lips to pout and went to practice with the rest.

If there was a list of perverts in the world. Taehyung would definitely win the first place.

"Lets practice now guys, I have to go early today.", Jin shouted.

You sat there in a corner, watching them dance, they clearly missed their other two members. But they had no choice they had to get through the competition. Each one of them was perfect. They were great dancers but your eyes were fixed on Jungkook.
He seemed so professional. He danced so well. Well-built and manly.  He took the lead sometimes. It made you wonder. Wish you could dance with him as well. Wish he could teach you the steps up-close. But why were you having such thoughts regarding him? Were you falling for him? You weren't sure. But it feels complete to capture his movements through your eyes.

You didn't realize but you were lost in his thoughts. Before you could take control of your mind and stop drooling over him the music stopped, the practice ended. Jungkook knew you were looking at him throughout. He came close to you.

"Are you staring at me long hairs?" he whispered in your ears.

He brought you back to the present.

You were caught red-handed. You were just caught staring at your nemesis. Was he or was he not? You weren't sure anymore. But why is this guy being so coy all of a sudden?  He hated you or you just thought so.

"Jungkook , " you said his name in a way that meant you wanted to ask something.

"Yes, long hairs."

"What would you ask me to do, if I lose the bet because I think I will, after seeing you guys dance like this."

"Nothing that you won't be able to give long hairs."

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