44.Untill I live.

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After 24hrs at the hospital under stringent medical treatment, your wounded body woke up. Not aware of anything that happened. Had been lying dead on the hospital bed. With three boys full of eternal apprehension.  Three boys crying their heart out and whimpering the torment caused by seeing you not open your eyes. That time from the house to the hospital made them die a thousand deaths. They didn't know what will happen to you. Yes, they tried everything to save you, but did they save you. They won't know until you open your eyes.

It was in the middle of the night that you did open your eyes. Eyes slightly ajar.  Everything blurred in front because of the lubrication. It became arduous for you to see anything as if you have turned blind. As you blinked your eyes repeatedly to clear the vision, it first fell upon three guys asleep on the couch which was right in front of your bed. Jimin leaned back in the couch , while Taehyung head rests on his shoulder with Jungkook's head on Taehyungs lap and his legs out of the couch due to scarcity of space. The room all whitewashed with white luxurious tile on the floor. The smell of medicines lingering in the room. The bed letting your body comfortably submerged, with needles pinned on your hands and a Nasal cannula placed in your nostrils. With none of your dress on your body but rather than a blue colour cotton gown. You couldn't perceive why they were there nor why you were here. Your head hurt recalling the memories. As you tried to move, you felt a gut-wrenching pain on your arm. You glanced down at it, your left arm was bandaged with blood spots beneath it, clearly visible. That visual awakened your mind and you remembered all the course of events that had happened.


Even after repeated warnings, the boys didn't hear you. They were indulged in beating Jimin to death. All his face bruised with blood shimmering down from his lips. That view was too much for you to handle. You had your one and only love being snatched away by two people. You can't run away, you can't call the police.  The only thing you could do was to shoot yourself in order to save him. Had your love become so strong that you were already ready to sacrifice your life for it? Yes, it was. 

Without any delay, you pointed the nozzle to your chest, closed your eyes, took a deep breath, let out the air from your mouth and pulled the trigger. But before the bullet hit your chest somebody had moved your hand . But that person was slow enough to stop that bullet hit your arm.

You felt it piercing through your skin and flesh. Your eyes wide open and your body jerked back.  Taehyung's face traumatized by this horrific incident. Blood started flowing ceaselessly , from your wound down to the floor. Taehyung picked you up in his arms without letting your body hit the floor. The three of them were in a state of shock. All these manoeuvres made for you, all these efforts to attain your love was falling out from their hands. There love plummeted down with fear of losing you touching the skies. Taehyung's white suit was covered and smeared in your blood. Your champagne dress was covered in red. All scarlet. Jimin and  Jungkook ran to their car and drove to you. Taehyung enter the back seat with you still in his arms. You remember the visuals but your mind doesn't recall what they were saying repeatedly. Jungkook drove as fast and careful as he could . Jimin sat back as well holding your head on his lap. They were crying. You remembered those tears. Taehyung was stopping those blood from your hand. But before you could reach the hospital your body went into Hypovolemic Shock.


When you remembered and recalled that heinous incident and the worst day of your life you started growing breathless with lungs pumping for air. Those thoughts were too much for your body to handle. Your weak heart was weaker than your injured arm to handle those incidents. Your chest moved up and down. You pulled those sheets beneath you out of the pain that your arm was causing. With your huffing sound, all the three boys woke up.

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