Chapter Forty-Nine

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Marshall's POV

"For fuck sakes mom! For once can you just stop caring about your fucking self! You have two fucking kids and two other fucking kids you have to look after!!" I exploded.

"Oh please, you only give a shit about yourself! Well no, you and That little slut!"

"Slut? I really fucking hope you are not talking about Soph!"

"What other slut would I be talking about!"

"Whenever you have a fucking drink ,you turn into the worlds biggest bitch! You know what she has been through! How can you call her a slut? I asked for one day for us to sit down and be civil, it is christmas for god sakes!" I yelled. "Nate, get your coat"

Once Nate had his coat on, we left and started to walk wherever, just away from home. All of a sudden I saw someone running.

"Marshall! She drank a full litre of vodka and now I don't know where she is!" Jay slurred running up to me. He clearly had a lot to drink.

I suddenly understood what he had said. "Who?"


"She is with her mom?"

"She came to us"

"Look Halstead, you need to stay with me and Nate. Soph could be anywhere right now, we just need to hope she is ok. Where is Antonio?"

"I knocked him out. He sometimes gets violent when drinking spirits and he started to mouth off at me ,so I knocked him out cold"

"Violent? Never would of expected that from him to be honest"

"No one would, that's why it is more of a shock when he comes at you but he is fine on beer and stuff. Anyway what about Soph?"

"All we can do is leave her and like I said ,just hope. Lets look well we walk back to yours, but go a different route as to what you did coming here"

I put nate on my shoulders and let Jay hold onto me because he was shit faced. We started to walk over to Jays looking for Soph at the same time.

"Oii!" I heard a female shout from the middle of the field, walking our way.  As we approached I knew straight away it was Soph.

"Babe are you ok?" I questioned ,taking Nate off of my shoulders.

"I fell and hit my head a bit ago, it hurts. I can't see." she was laughing so hard and slurring her words ,it was hard to understand her. "Oh my god Marshall!" She gasped finally noticing it was me.

"C'mere" I said and walked closer to her, about to grab her hand.

"Don't touch me" she defended herself. I was taken back by her reaction. She cowered backwards falling over.

"Jay do me a favour and go to Gaz's house!" I ordered and he gave Nate to me. "Tell him and Jamie to come here please" he nodded and then ran.

I knelt down beside Soph and let Nate sit on the ground. She was absolutely freezing but I don't think that is why she is trembling. I took off my coat and put it around her.

I slowly pulled her up and held her in my arms. I tried so hard to calm her, alcohol really was bad for her.

I let her calm down for a while and helped her up.

Gaz and Jay ran up very quickly to us. Gaz sighed and picked up Soph. I picked Nate up and we started to walk back to Gaz's.

"She freaked didn't she?" Gaz questioned.

"Yeah, she was actually scared of me"

"Yeah she used to do that a lot. Drink gets her very not give a shit, suicide mode"

"Suicide is the solution" Soph drunkly butted in.

"No it is not! It never will be! It's just a way out, it hurts everyone around you" I huffed and walked quicker than them to arrive at Gaz's quicker.

"What wrong" Nate asked.

"Nothing bud, i'm just worried about Soph that's all"

"What wrong with Soph? Why sie sad?"

"People were mean to her and they made her sad and now she does not want to be here"

"Be where?"

"At home Natey" he did his 'oo' face and was quiet. One day when he understands it all I will explain all of this to him.

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