Chapter Nine

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"I'm going to go out a bit" I stated.

"Firstly, it's fucking 9 o'clock in the morning. Secondly, the last times you went out, I almost lost you. So where the fuck do you want to go?" He sounded pissed off.

"I'm not fucking 3 years old you know, I do have a life! if you must know, i'm going home, and you're not stopping me"

"Why the fuck would you want to go home?" Definitely angry.

"My dad's at fucking work and i'm 100 per cent sure about that, I need clothes and a shower" I was so tired that I had a headache at the moment and I was in no mood to argue with him ."Marshall please, I feel dirty" I pleaded.

"Are you sure no ones there?" He asked and I nodded "fine lets go, I will leave note for Proof"

After writing the note, me and Marshall made our way to my so called home, I paid no attention to him the whole walk.

After finding the key and unlocking the door, I walked straight to my room, grabbed some underwear, clothes, and a towel. I shoved past Marshall into the bathroom, locking it.

After my shower, I towel dried my hair and stuck it up in a bun. I slipped on my underwear and examined my body, I'm covered in bruises and cuts up my legs. I have burns all up my side, the top of my arm, and more bruises over my stomach, it honestly sucked, because it means even in summer ,I have to wear jeans and jackets.

I sighed to myself, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and all that shit. I opened up the medicine cabinet in need of something to relieve my pain.

After no luck, I thought there would be some in the kitchen cupboard. I made my way to the kitchen to check.

I pulled out the box of tablets and medical stuff and spread them across the counter to just find some paracetamol.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Marshall pretty much shouted at me, making me jump.

I didn't move or respond as he came closer to me. I spun around to face him to match his expression,worry.

"Relax I just have a headache" I told him, and his whole body relaxed.

He walked up to me and smiled ,moving some hair behind my ear. "promise?"

"Yeah I promise" I smiled and he nodded and I took 2 tablets and put them back in the cupboard.

"Want to go somewhere?" He asked randomly.

"Yeah just give me a sec" I said walking to the fridge filled with booze.

I grabbed two, Litre bottles of vodka and walked back to Marshall.

"Won't he know?"

"Yeah" I laughed and walked out the front door with Marshall following me.

"Here" I said handing him a bottle, while opening mine and sitting on a bench.

"Won't that like effect the tablets you just took ,and won't it just make your head hurt more?" He questioned and I downed a quarter of the bottle like water.

"Probably, but honestly, I just don't give a fuck right now"

He said nothing instead just drunk some of the vodka.


Well i'm two thirds of the way down, and Marshall is about a quarter of the bottle down.

"Fuck" I laughed ,as the alcohol hit me.

I had like an eighth of the bottle left but Marshall took it from me, tipping it on the floor.

"What the fuck man?" I asked in disbelief.

"You don't need it, come on lets go find something to do" he said ,throwing the last bit of his bottle down.

I got up and walked a head of him to where there were roads.

"Soph, wait up" Marshall shouted and I turned to look at him coming to me. I turned around ,took a step ,and was flew over a car.

I flew in the air and took in my surroundings as everything happened in slow motion. I kept my body relaxed ,ready for the impact of the road.

My body hit the hard road and I just lay in that position until I saw Marshall above me.

"How the fuck am I not dead?" I cried ,but laughed.

"What the fuck just happened?"

"Just help me up ,please"I laughed,  he just stared at me blankly ,so I attempted to get up myself.

"Nope, not happening ,think I broke a rib ,and my leg"at this point, I was hysterically laughing but in so much pain, if I wasn't drunk, I would be in a lot more pain.

Marshall bent down and picked me up ,bridal
style, and crossed over the road fully and started to make his way somewhere.

"Where we going?" I asked.


"In the morning, I want the alcohol out of my system" I sighed. Amazing how these sort of incidents help to sober you up slightly.

We made our way to Proofs and Marshall knocked on the door.

"I must be so heavy"

"You're joking, you are light as fuck" he roles his eyes.

Proof opened the door ,and Marshall walked past him ,to the room where we were this morning.

He lay me down on the bed and proof came in.

"What the fuck?" Proof asked.

"I got hit by a car" I informed him.

"Why the fuck are you laughing about that?fuck she's pissed isn't she?" Proof had now turned to Marshall ,who nodded and I some how fell straight asleep.

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