Chapter Thirty-One

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Sophie's POV

"Where do you want to be in 10 years?" I asked Marshall, who was currently sat next to me on the couch. I was cuddled up to him ,with like 4 blankets over us.

"I want to be selling comics worldwide! I want to be well known for something I am actually alright at"

"Alright at? Marshall ,you are a fucking amazing artist, I can see you been known all over the world for something you are great at!"

"Where do you want to be?"

"Me? I'm going to move out of Detroit, go to college. Then I want to be a lawyer"

"A fucking Lawyer? You are joking right?"

"Nope" I grinned.

"How the fuck am I only just finding out that you want to be a lawyer? Shit man, you will be defending me" he laughed ,shaking his head.

"Naa, I won't ever need to defend you!"

"Why do you think that?" He laughed ,curiously.

"Because i'm going to keep yo ass in line kid!"

"Fair enough" he smirked.

"I really need to go home, I think I will catch the bus"


"Yeah, now" I nodded.

"I'm coming with you"


"One, I need to make sure you are okay. Two, if I stay here, I will kill Kim"

"Ok fair enough, come on then" I agreed.


"Hello mother" I greeted ,walking through the front door.

"Where have you fucking been young lady?" She questioned, in a mad tone.

"Where the fuck have I been? Where the fuck have you been all my fucking life, hey? Yeah so answer me that one, you didn't care then ,don't pretend to give a shit now!" I huffed.

"Hey Soph, come on now ,this is your mom don't forget" Marshall butted in.

"Don't you even get onto mothers ,ok? Go be a good son to yours, I will be a fucking good daughter to mine!" He looked down at his shoes and I felt a little bad really, so I hugged him and cried. Why did I cry? I had to, I can't just keep on being a bitch and pretending I don't care ,because I care so much.

"Don't cry! You can't cry, Soph stop!" Marshall pleaded.

"Mom ,you here?" I heard Mike say from behind us. "what the fuck happened?" He then questioned.

"She is just being a pathetic child" my 'mom' huffed. Well she chose the wrong words to say. Next thing I knew, I punched her square in the face. I then just collapsed to the floor and just lay there.

Marshall stooped down to me and sat down ,resting my upper body against his chest as I just cried.

"You are no fucking daughter of mine ,you disrespectful little bitch" she spat. I couldn't, I couldn't think of anything to say, to do.

"Mom! There was no need. You can't blame her, you've never bonded. She has a short fuse ,clearly. You don't know her Mom, anything you say could be the wrong thing to say. Do you know what dad did to her? She needs a family and all she has is friends. Where the fuck were we when she needed that family? You don't get it" Mike explained ,sticking up for me.

I stood up and Marshall got up with me. "you see Mike, thats where you are wrong, I don't have friends" I stated. Marshall gave me a hurt ,confused look.

"What do you mean ,you don't have friends?" Marshall asked.

"What I mean is ,I do have family. The group of dickheads I spend my days with aren't my friends, they never will be my friends because they will always be my family. So what, I don't have a dad, nor a mom, but I got you mikey and I have all my brothers by me everyday. I could never of asked for a better family" I explained.

"Oh get over yourself" My mom laughed ,rolling her eyes. I walked closer to her and looked her dead in her eyes, I was taller, a hell of a lot taller ,her being about 5'1 and me , 5'7. So it was intimidating, to a point.

"Listen to me Laurie, don't ever tell me to get over myself until you have got over yourself. Where the fuck is your family huh? And friends? You have fucking mike! Thats it!" I was still crying but this was out of anger and I don't know why.

I guess I could of saw the next thing coming, since I did deserve it, she punched me straight in my gut, knocking me back a fair bit. I felt sick, I just wanted to get out of this house.

I stud up straight smiled and walked past Michael and Marshall and out of the door. Then I guess my fist connected with whatever hard surface I turned to, which happened to be a fucking brick wall.

"Shit" I cursed in pain and threw up.

"You kids want to stay at mine tonight?" I heard Mike ask Marshall and me.


"Fuck school Soph, you can hardly go to school if you are sick anyway"

"Sounds good" Marshall nodded, I just ended up agreeing.

"I have a double bed and there's a couch, so there's a slight problem" Mike said.

"Me and Marshall can share"

"Woah hang on now. I mean..." Mike stuttered.

"There's nothing going on ,I just like company" I laughed and he hesitantly nodded.

We then made our way to his and settled down, him going to work and me and Marshall chilling...

Marshall's POV

"Feeling better?" I frowned down at her.

"I'm going to have a smoke" she jumped to her feet and walked out of the front door.

"Fucking Karma, Bitch" I heard a mans voice.

I heard violent coughing from outside. Sophie.

I ran out of the front door. Blood. So much blood.

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