Chapter Thirty

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Sophie's POV

"Ahhhhh" I screamed ,shooting up out of bed.

"Woah ,what the fuck" Marshall asked confused ,also waking up in a panic.


"Stop screaming, whats wrong?" He held his head.

"Shit man, didn't even know you were here. With that said, I apologise for screaming" I apologised, now present in reality.

"Why did you scream in the first place?" He propped up his eyebrow, still obviously confused.

"I think someone hit me around the head" I huffed holding my head. "I just had an extreme stabbing pain in my head that shot me awake, it felt like someone was currently doing it"

"Yeah it was Kim" he sighed.


"When we were sitting on the chair and ermm..." He went quite near the end.

"Oh yeah ,you kissed me" I remembered, smiling at the thought.

"How do you remember that?"

"I've been a druggie for about 2 years Marshall, I can control it, I remember key things"

"Look ,i'm sorry I kissed you" Now it felt like a stab in the heart.

"why the fuck would you be saying sorry right now? woah ,you are unbelievable, so it was a mistake then?" I bit down on my lip, nostrils flared.

"that is not what I mean at all" He defended.

"sounds like it" I huffed and then he kissed me again. Oh right ok then, this boys just got some confidence.

"Soph ,I love you so much. I'm sorry I always piss you off but you are hard work sometimes "

" I know i'm hard work Marshall. I do it on purpose, I apologise for doing it all of the time. I make people leave. No one can ever figure me out, i'm one of them people who says something and never explains it ,or sleeps with a lad and never text them after. I need someone to figure me out because I can't even figure me out. I make myself hard work and distant to avoid getting hurt" I explain.

" I will figure you out Soph"

"only time will tell" I winked and got up. He won't figure me out, I won't let him figure me out.

"how do you not have a hangover?" Marshall growned.

" I have no clue" I laughed.

"whose room is this?"

"Blakes old room mates" I answered.

"how did I not know that?" He laughed. "and how do you know that?"

"I basically lived here when you were with Kim"


"yeah" well things just got tense. "who brought us bed last night?" I suddenly questioned and Marshall shrugged.

Dick! Well I wonder who is still here that I can annoy. I made my way into the front room to see people laying everywhere, so I did what every funny person would. I screamed!

"What the fuck!"Everyone shot up and I doubled over in laughter. Marshall then walked in and huffed at me.

"I'm going to get some fucking food!" He grumbled ,walking out the front door ,slamming it in the process.

"Whats his problem?" DeShaun questioned, holding his head.

"De do you want some aspirin?" I asked ,noticing the look of pain on his face.

"Please" he nodded. I made my way to the kitchen, like I said I lived here, and I am always in pain with something ,so yeah ,I know where the tablet are kept even though Blake moves them from me.

I got a pack out and took a couple out for DeShaun and got spares in case, because there are some mad ass drinkers who will need them. I made a few glasses of water and took then out to everyone who was now awake.

I handed some to DeShaun and give him the water ,which he gratefully thanked me for.

"How do you keep finding them?" Blake laughed.

"Good morning" I grinned. "and i'm just smart"

"Sure, sure" He shook his head ,grinning at me.

"I'm going chin tiki" I announced.


"Marshall will be there. I love you guys, see you later" with that I left and made my way to find Marshall.

I was walking along the road with my head down and bumped into someone.

"Watch your fucking self! Twat" I huffed, I was not in the mood.

"Soph, i'm sorry" It was Marshall and he was crying?

"Oh god Marshall, are you ok? What happened? Are you hurt? What should I.." He cut me off by slamming his lips against mine. What the fucks up with this kid? Is he like on his man period or something.

"I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry"

"Marshall whats wrong?are you ok?"

"Sophie Laura Brookes, I love you from the bottom of my heart. I am so fucking sorry for always being an absolute dick over nothing! I don't even know why the fuck I was angry before, all that I know is that I am an ass and you should just give up on me all together" He cried.

"What you crying about? Lets go home" I hugged him, starting to walk ,but he stopped.

"I don't want to see Kim, I will kill her"

"Fine,there is plenty abandoned buildings around"


"My dads" he reluctantly nodded and we made our way to the location. I crawled in first, cutting my arm on the glass in the process, Marshall followed behind.

"Woah, weed" He coughed. "well this explains it all, this is where you were, why didn't you just fucking tell me?"

"Because you make a big deal out of everything. Marshall for god sakes just stop. Stop, stop, stop with all of this, I can't lose you ever, I won't lose you ok? Have you fucking got that? Be pissed off at me all you want, whenever you want, but you need me! I need you, so why the fuck do we fall out all of the time? Answer me that Marshall, what is the fucking point of this shit! Why not just let everything slide?"

"I can't Soph" he sighed.

"Why not?"

"I care about you too much" he replied, truthfully.

"I could write a fucking book about our life you know, but there would have to be like 5 different books just for the short period of time i've known you"

The way I am (eminem) (re-edit)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz