Chapter Fifty

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Marshall's POV
Boxing day

"Make it stop" she cried repeatedly, rocking back and forth in the corner, she started to do this ten minutes ago and there is nothing I can do. It broke me up to see it, my breathing was just as unsteady as hers.

"Yo! Where is she?" I heard Antonio's voice echo through the hallway.

He burst into the room and gave me a sorry-full look. He walked to Soph and sat beside her.

"I'm going to tell you a story Soph. I once knew this girl. She was not living. This girl was a paramedic, she saved peoples lives for a living, yet was not able to save her own. At the age of 26 she first attempted suicide, she failed. Then a few years later after a couple of therapy lessons she started to get better and healthier. Then once she was almost better she had to go to a call on her job, a girl aged 23 had thrown herself off the top of this huge bridge, she died instantly. The girl who had just died was her sister. That day that this girl tried to commit suicide, it broke her sister, her sister became very ill with depression but did not tell her family. Basically this shows how much this girl meant to people and what one suicide or suicide attempt can do to a person.
In your case this person was Marshall, if you pay close attention you can see all of the pain in his eyes. I never knew him a few months back but i'm going to bet everything I own that he was much happier.
What I'm getting at, is that although you may feel like everything around you is crashing down, one of us will always be here to rebuild the world around you.
Once you come to terms with what I have just said you will understand why you need to stay strong, not just for you but for the people you love most. Sophie you are so strong!"

Everything he had just said had a great impact on me. What he said was so right, so true. I was in so much pain because I have nearly lost the one girl who means anything to me.

It is very early hours of the morning about 2am. Most of the alcohol was out of her system and she just keeps freaking out about how she can't do it anymore and that it is all just haunting her. Antonio was totally sober and Jay went to get him because apparently, as just proven, Antonio is very good at making people see the big picture in things.

Soph hugged Antonio tightly and thanked him and then got up and hugged me. I must of looked like an emotionless statue until she hugged me.

"Please be happy, don't be sad because of me, are you sad because of me?" She asked and looked up to me and I guess that answered her question. "I love you Marshall and I don't know what I would do without you and i'm a dick and i'm sorry, what was I thinking? Shit I just..." I cut her off by slamming my lips onto hers.

I could feel every emotion in the kiss. I felt her smile into the kiss and it made me melt. I made her feel happy, I actually did something right.

We both pulled back and she smiled up at me. I  was very tired right now and I just yawned. Antonio left and we both thanked him.

"Sleep?" I questioned and he mood changed.

"I..I don't want to sleep"

"Hey now, it's ok, I can stay awake as long as you need me to. Just know, when you are asleep, I am always by your side to help you, no one can hurt you"

"Thank you" we both got into the bed and cuddled up together.

It took nearly an hour and I stayed awake until her soft breathing could be heard.

I felt happy, I felt like I had done something good, I felt like I was protecting her.

I think I am in love with my best friend...

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