Chapter forty-seven

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Sophie's POV

"I always loved you baby" he smiled walking up to me.

"No, you can't be here.. You are locked up"

"But I am here baby. Don't be afraid, I just want you to know I love you"

"Where is Marshall?" I questioned moving back more.

"He never wanted you princess, he ran from me, left you by yourself. I told you he didn't love you, but I do"

"You cannot be here.. Would he really leave me?" I was stunned. I backed up more and hit the wall.

"You know, you are weak! He made you weak, helpless, he broke you down! You let yourself become like this, fight back like you use to, it was more fun when you shouted"

"Oh yeah, i'm sure you get off on that shit don't you!" I growled and he smirked.

"Yeah like that, it's more fun this way" he walked up to me and punched my stomach.

"It is so funny to think, I am still standing after all of these years" I laughed.

"But Sophie, what is the point in being alive if you are not living?"

"You always tried to be so smart! You tried to get in my head.. And I let it all fucking happen! I was so young, no person in the world would I wish this upon! Anyone in the world like you, should just drop dead. They do not deserve a chance at life, no one should forgive them for this. People should confess to what is happening to them or they will die on the inside"

"You couldn't do anything though, you were afraid, weak. I clearly did not raise you right"

"Of course you did not raise me fucking right you piece of shit"

"You always have to fucking insult me you little slut" he exploded taking one punch after another until I fell to the ground and he started to kick me, I shut my eyes and took everything that was happening.

"This is all in my head! You have not fucking won dad! I did! I won this one, you have no other move to make now! I win this game Dad!" I yelled and cried.

He suddenly just vanished and I could feel someone holding me. I suddenly felt safe.

My body ached, even though I knew this didn't happen, it really hurt. Have I really become weak. Did I win or has he won? If i'm still terrified of him ,he must of won. I need to get over this.

"It's okay. Shhh" I opened my eyes and looked up at Marshall. He looked scared, worried.

"Thank you for not waking me up" I thanked him "I think it helped me defeat this worry"

"Hey, hey" he soothed. "You scared me. I'm always her to talk if you need me princess. I don't want to judge you or make you feel small. I just want you to smile, be happy ,like when we use to spend time together. Soph, I need you back, I need my best friend back" he cried. I burst into tears. I needed him too.

"I don't know how I stay so close to you for so long. I am so scared of human contact, yet I feel safe with you. Marshall I need you too"

"Sophie Laura Brookes, I love you from the bottom of my heart, and no matter what shit goes on through the years, if you need me knock on my door and ask for help, I don't care if we are on bad terms."

"And Marshall Bruce Mathers The Third, I will always be here for you too. I will always make it easy for you to find me" I smiled.

"Sleep" he whispered and yawned.

We both fell asleep, very close, happy, safe.

I think I am in love with my best friend..

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