Chapter Sixty-Three

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Marshall's POV

"I will be right back!" Soph announced mid conversation running to the bathroom.

"Is she ok?" I asked getting up.

"I think she is ill guys, I bet she is pale as fuck under that make up. She has threw up a few times" Halstead replied.

"Shit!" Antonio said he was about to get up but I stopped him.

"I got this one Dawson, carry on chilling"

I walked into the bathroom as it was unlocked. Soph sat with her back against the wall and her eyes shut, next to the toilet.

"You ok?" I whispered so I didn't scare her.

"Yeah i'm good" she kept her eyes closed and put her thumb up.

"Brush your teeth, rub your make up off and come get in bed, i'm sure Jay won't mind you staying here tonight"

"I'm fine Marshall honestly"

"And i'm the liar, Soph it is ok to be ill sometimes"

"It's just all of the crying today, made my head hurt and made me feel fucking sick to my stomach"

"Come on then, get up" I walked over to her and helped her up and moved her to the sink. I gave her the toothpaste and her toothbrush and held her as she brushed her teeth with no energy.

She kept her eyes pretty much closed the whole time. Once she was done I walked her into the spare room and gave her some PJs.

"I can't get changed"she cried slightly. "I just don't have the energy..."

"What do you want me to do? Get Antonio?" I didn't really have a solution for this.

"Marshall just change me, you just put on my shorts and the shirt, it's not that hard"

"Are you sure?" She just nodded and I helped her get into her stuff. The shorts revealed a lot of scars, they were getting better though.

"Do you want me to let you sleep?"

"Stay a bit, talk to me" she whispered getting under the blanket. I sat up next to her on top of the blanket.

"Halstead told me about the drugs.." I mentioned.

"Hey don't worry about it, i'm a month clean already, I can quit"

"Oh good! Then you need to get rid of that weed in your draw"

"I will"

"I'm really proud of you Soph, you are doing so well. It's nice to see you looking healthy"

"I'm still underweight"

"But you are clearly getting healthier"

"Thank you so much"

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For never giving up on me. I couldn't of done any of what I am doing now if I never met you"

"No, because your dad would of killed you"

"Yeah he would of..."

"I said forever and always Soph, I meant it. I will always love you, I will always be there for you, always"

"I love you Marshiebear, dido to that" she yawned, slowly falling asleep.

I couldn't help but watch her, as creepy as that may sound. All of the nights she lay and cried to sleep on me, I never knew what to do, somehow she just became better around me, happier.

I could never imagine not knowing her. As much of a bitch my mom is, I have to thank her for being a bitch that day or I never would of found  Soph on that bench.

Halstead was right, she was so pale. I've never actually seen her this ill. It is actually quite scary to see her like this, helpless and weak.

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts and I stood up. I heard Halstead answer the door, I heard the sound of Mikey's voice and a few others.

I was about to open the bedroom door and Antonio burst in. He looked at Soph and his face screwed up.

"The cops are here.."

Soph immediately woke up and sat up. She looked at Antonio, fear covered her face.

"Soph your brother is here. Your dad tried to kill himself last night.." Antonio announced.

Soph stood up, shakily. She walked out of the door, me and Antonio followed. She walked to where two police officers and her brother were stood ,along with Jay.

"I'm so glad we found you here Soph.. The police knocked on moms.. Our dad he.."

"Tried to kill himself. Antonio just said"

"He is currently stable and is in the hospital" a police officer stated.

"Look, not to sound heartless or rude, but why are you telling me this?" She was pissed, You could tell.

"He has requested to see you Miss Brookes..."

"Of course he fucking has. Shit. Sorry ,excuse my language." I didn't think she could get any paler but she sure as hell did.

"Sorry to interrupt officers, but when exactly does he want to see her?"


The room fell silent. Antonio gripped Soph's hand. Jay sat down, shocked. Mikey looked at the officers with a 'woah ,what the fuck face'. I tried to take all of this in.

Would she really go and see that son of a bitch? Surely not.

"I will go and get ready..."

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