Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Sophie's POV

"Kuniva, yo kid where you been! Not seen you since Marshall's birthday!" I smiled giving him a hug and then Blake walked in with Denaun and bugz "God you are all here! I missed you dicks!" I laughed giving them all hugs.

Bugz introduced us all to Denaun, they chill together. They are mint, never fail to make me laugh. Marshall sat down with them all and they looked like some sort of rap group with their baggy clothes.

"Ronnie! My man" DeShaun grinned as Ronnie sat next to him.

"Gee thanks you guys! I will just sit on the floor then!" I huffed and rolled my eyes and then ended up just walking to the kitchen.

"Mr Holton! Wheres your lighter? Mine ran out of fluid" I shouted to Proof.

Blake walked in and gave me his lighter, rolling his eyes. "Come on dickhead, light one up well we walk down the shop buy you some lighters" he laughed.

"Yo we will be back in 20!" I shouted as me and Blake left. We earned a few grunts 'yes'.

"So you and Antonio good now?" He suddenly asked as we neared the shop.

"Yeah why'd you ask?"

"He's over there. Hey hold back who is he talking to?" We stood back in the ally and watched him.

"Blake he is talking to a cop!"

"How do you know?"

"The sun is shining from his badge! I'm going over there!"

"No!" He tried to stop me and I ran to Antonio as Blake stood where I left him.

"Sophie Brookes, You are?" I introduced interrupting the conversation.

"Soph this is ermm Hank.. A friend"

"Hank Voight" he extended his hand and shook it.

"Antonio, why you talking to a cop?"

"He's not a cop.." Antonio stuttered.

"He is, his badge is on the side. If you want to look like an undercover cop by the way don't put your hands on your side unless it is over your jacket"

"You've got a right little profiler here Dawson"

"As if you'd think I was dumb enough to think he is a 'friend' i'm going to say 30 years old?"

"28, 29 next month" he grinned.

"Sophie, detective Voight is transferring over to chicago within the next 5 years, he has a placement. He's going to hook me up"

"Tell me detective, what unit do you want to work in?"

"Intelligence unit"  he smiled proudly.

"CIU? Good goal to set, Antonio is that what you want to do?"

"He does which is why i'm going to give him a spot and Halstead when i'm in charge of the unit"

"Well, pleasure meeting you. I've got to go, my friend over there is shitting it because your a cop" I told him pointing at Blake. "And I need to go grab some lighters"

"Pleasure meeting you" voight shook my hand and I smiled and left.


"A cop!!" Marshall gasped.

"Yeah Hank Voight. Why do I know that name?"

"he arrested people who knew your dad, a big drug gang. Apparently I heard he beat the shit out of a guy to get answers to find the others. Dirty cop"

"Oh right. So how did Antonio meet him?" I was confused at the whole situation. "Marshall, we need to find out. Voight knows Halstead as well, something shady is going on"

"Talk to Halstead then get Antonio's side of it all, if there is gaps in their stories then we look into it" Marshall suggested and I nodded.

There was a knock at the door interrupting the conversation. Marshall got up to answer.

"We were just talking about you Dawson. How do you know that cop" I heard Marshall say as he let Antonio in.

"A bunch of lads I knew were involved in a big gang rape of 3, 14 year old girls a few months back. Voight is a very dirty cop, which I later found out. Me and Halstead, were asked a few questions and took them down, with voight"

I just looked at him with no movement.

"Soph.. I know, I should of told you. It was a few months ago and i'm s-"

"I'm so proud of you Antonio" I cried jumping into his arms.

"You're not made?"

"I'm sort of mad, but still i'm super proud of you!"

"Yeah you've done a good thing man" Marshall nodded.

"As soon as I found out what they had done I ratted them out. I don't care who they are, it is inhuman to do" Antonio sucked in a big breath becoming angry.

"Hey hey, calm down. Why did you not tell me?" I asked.

"Me and Halstead didn't want to mention anything until they were put away, then I guess you were just in a bad place and we needed you to focus on your health"

"Well thank you Antonio. Don't forget about dinner" I reminded him.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world but I need to run now" he nodded kissing me and everyone said their goodbyes.

"See I told you, nothing shady" Marshall smiled sitting back in his chair.

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