Chapter Fifty-One

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Sophie's POV

23rd May 1989

"Happy birthday Soph!"

"Antonio, I hope for your sake I am dreaming and you did not just wake me up at 3 in the morning to wish me a fucking happy birthday!" I growled pulling the cover over my head.

"But it's your birthday" he laughed getting up and jumping on my bed.

"You are one immature 18 year old!" I huffed.

"Awh come on Soph, it's your birthday!" He pouted and I kicked him off my bed. "That hurt "

"Good! Now piss off and wake me up when my birthday is over"

He finally got up and left me to sleep, well that was until Jay walked in laughing.

"He woke you up didn't he"

"Yup, what a cunt"

"He does it to me every year" Jay laughed. "Oh my god! You are still upset about Marshall aren't you!"

"He promised me he would not leave me this time!" Yes Marshall was back with Kim and I haven't seen him in a month. Since the start of the year he got really cosy with her again.

"At least he is coming around later to see you"

"I know you are trying to make me feel better right now but it is not working Halstead. He fucking told me he loved me, I slept with him for christ sakes! I'm a dick"

"I know one thing though Sophie, Marshall really did love you, there is no doubt about it"

"I just want to sleep man" I frowned and he got up about to leave. "Tell dick face to get his now bruised arse back in here"

"Will do, happy birthday and goodnight" he smiled, leaving.

"Wanted to see me?" Antonio grinned bouncing back into the room.

"Stay with me tonight? I feel really alone" I begged and he jumped into the bed and put his arms around me. "Hey before you go to sleep, can I ask why the fuck your underwear is like bright pink"

"I like to be noticed. Now sleep birthday girl"



"Hey Kim" I smiled hugging her.

"I got you a bottle of vodka" she handed me the bottle and I put it down with the other alcoholic bottles I had received.

"Hey, happy birthday" Marshall said walking in behind her.

"Thanks" I thanked walking off. There is no way I am speaking to him.

"Mikey" I squealed as he walked in. I ran and jumped into his arms, my brother is one of my favourite people alive.

"Happy birthday my lovely little sister!"

"Thank you"

It's a Tuesday today but it is the one week break so everyone is available today, apart from my mom because she is at work but she gave me my present the other day and wished me a happy birthday.

This is like my first birthday without my dad. I thought Marshall would be celebrating my birthday with me but I would just say he is only here because he feels obligated to.

"Sophie, can we talk somewhere please?" Someone cleared their throat from behind me. I didn't want to turn and look at him.

"Fine. Just go into the fucking back room!" I felt him leave and I took a few shots before following him.

I opened the door and he was sat on the bed with his face in his hands.

"I tried to see you the other day but Antonio said you were sleeping and he told me to just piss off. There is something about him I don't like."

"Whatever Marshall, what do you want"

"I'm sorry Soph, I know it has not been right the past 6 months. I thought it would be healthier for you if we weren't close"

"That is such horse shit! What the actual fuck Marshall? Healthier for me? I went to a fucking party the other week and snorted so much coke my nose wouldn't stop bleeding! There was nothing wrong with our friendship. You told me you fucking loved me, I even fucking slept with you more than once Marshall! Do not think you know what is best for my fucking health" I exploded.

"I do still love you Soph! I would still die to save you. I do need you in my life Sophie and I know that i'm a dick! I don't know why I did it." He shook his head. "Back at christmas or boxing day or whatever when Antonio gave you that big speech, it got me thinking, he was right. Me being worried about you makes you worried about me which is why I thought it would be better to leave you for a while

"Just put it behind us and say no more, ok?"

"You will forgive me that easily?"

"Yes Marshall, you helped me so much, I suppose I owe to you to make this all right" I nodded about to walk out.

"Are you and Antonio together?" He stopped me.

"Why would you think that?"

"You are practically living with him. He is protective as hell over you and I just saw the way he looked at you"

"I would not say we are together though Marshall"

"But you slept with him?"

"Yes! Happy now?" I rolled my eyes and walked out, slamming the door in his face.

"You ok babe?" Antonio asked.

"I just need a fag" I huffed walking outside.

I slumped down the wall sitting on the floor and I lit a cigarette up.  I felt someone come out of the door and shut it again. Antonio slumped down next to me and took my fag from me and had a puff.

"You don't smoke?"

"Well can't let you smoke it all and kill yourself from the inside can I now?" He laughed and I took it back from him. "You went into the back room with Marshall? Why?"

"He was just talking some shit or whatever. He asked me if we were together?"

"Well are we?"

"Woah, what? I don't know Dawson. I don't know if I can be"

"Fine don't label it, it makes no difference" he smiled, hugging me.

"It's just at the age I am, I don't think I want to be in a relationship"

"Understandable, enjoy life well you can. Yo what's say we leave and go down to my guys"

"Dawson, you know I don't like it down there"

"I got you, don't worry" he assured me and I agreed.

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